Chapter 1 – Embryology Chapter 7 – The Veins
Chapter 2 – Osteology Chapter 8 – The Lymphatic System
Chapter 3 – Arthrology Chapter 9 – Neurology
Chapter 4 – Myology Chapter 10 – The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument
Chapter 5 – Angiology Chapter 11 – Splanchnology
Chapter 6 – The Arteries Chapter 12 – Surface Anatomy and Surface Markings

Additional Images Image Index
Chapter 1 – Embryology       Return to Top of Page
90001 Cell
90002 Mitosis stages
90003 Cell ovum
90004 Mitotic spindle development
90005 Oogenesis stages
90006 Sperm cell structure
90007 Oogenesis stages compared to spermatogenesis stage…
90008 Male and female pronuclei fusion stages after fert…
90009 Rapid mitotic divisions leading to blastomeres and…
90010 Blastocyst formation: embryoblast, trophoblast, an…
90011 Blastocyst
90012 Formation of syncytiotrophoblast, cytotrophoblast …
90013 Primitive streak superior view
90014 Notochord formation superior view
90015 Formation of germ layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, endo…
90016 Formation of the neural crest
90017 Neurulation: embryo with neural groove and primiti…
90018 Neurulation: embryo with neural fold, dorsal view …
90019 Neurulation complete transverse section
90020 Somites dorsal view
90021 Formation of the amnionic sac
90022 Embryo left lateral view
90023 Embryo with limb buds left lateral view
90024 Embryo at earliest observation stage
90025 Early formation of the allantois and body stalk
90026 Early formation of the placental villi, heart, and…
90027 Early formation of the foregut, pinching of the yo…
90028 Early formation of the digestive tube and umbilica…
90029 Amnion formation sagittal section
90030 Fetus inside amniotic sac inferiolateral view
90031 Major bloodvessels, yolk sac and chorionic villi s…
90032 Section through ovum imbedded into the decidua lay…
90033 A: non pregnant uterine mucous membranes, B: pregn…
90034 Section through early developing embryo and uterus…
90035 Transverse section of chorionic villus
90036 Primary chorionic villi and uterine wall
90037 Secondary chorionic villi and uterine wall
90038 Fetus in uterus showing umbilical cord
90039 Section through endometrium and chorion showing pl…
90040 Embryo between eighteen and twenty-one days
90041 Head and pharyngeal arches end of week four
90042 Pharyengeal arches coronal section
90043 Head and neck of eighteen week old embryo showing …
90044 Early stage fetal head development of pharyngeal a…
90045 Early stage fetal head development of nose and pha…
90046 Early stage fetal head development of nose and pha…
90047 Early development fetal head, nose and mouth are f…
90048 Fetal orginations of face and neck located on adul…
90049 Primitive palate and nasal cavity
90050 Early stage embryo roof of mouth development
90051 Early stage embryo nasal cavities frontal view
90052 Embryo thirty-one to thirty-four days old lateral …
90053 Embryo at six weeks lateral view
90054 Embryo saggital view
90055 Embryo upper part of celom dorsal view
90056 Embryo transverse section
90057 Early stage diaphragm
90058 Embry fifteen days old lateral view
90059 Embryo eighteen to twenty-one days old lateral vie…
90060 Embryo twenty-seven to thirty days old lateral vie…
90061 Embryo thirty-one to thirty-four days old lateral …
90062 Embryo at six weeks lateral view
90063 Fetus
Chapter 2 – Osteology       Return to Top of Page
264 Human skeleton anterior view
265 Thoracic vertebra superior view
266 Lumbar vertebra saggital view
267 Cervical vertebra superior view
268 Cervical vertebra lateral view
269 C1 or Atlas superior view
270 C2 or Axis superior view
271 C2 or Axis lateral view
272 C7 superior view
273 Cervical vertibrae anterior view
274 Thoracic vertebra lateral view
275 Thoracic vertebrae lateral view
276 Lumbar vertebra lateral view
277 Lumbar vertebra posterior superior view
278 L5 superiot view
279 Sacrum anterior view
280 Sacrum posterior view
281 Sacrum lateral view
282 Sacrum superior view
283 Sacrum sagittal view
284-285 Coccyx anterior and posterior view
286-291 Ossification of vertibrae
292-295 Ossification of sacrum and coccyx
296 Sacrum at age 18
297 Spine lateral view
298 Sternum and costal cartilage anterior view
299-300 Sternum posterior and lateral view
301-302 Sternum ossification
303 Typical rib inferior view
304 Typical rib posterior view
305 First rib superior view
306 Second rib superior view
307 Twelfth rib posterior view
308 Skeleton thorax anterior view
309 Skull lateral view
310 The internal surface of the left half of the base …
311 Skull anterior view
312 The external surface of the left half of the base …
313 Top of skull
314 Skull anterior view
315 Orbit frontal view
316 A horizontal section through the nasal and orbital…
317 Orbit medial view
318 Orbit lateral view
319 Skull lateral view
320 Left infratemporal fossa lateral view
321 Posterior wall of the pterygopalatine fossa inferi…
322 The external surface of the left half of the base …
323 The external serfice of the left half of the base …
324 Palate and Alveolar arch inferior view
325 Inferior view of right temporal and sphenoid bones
326 The internal surface of the skull cap inferior vie…
327 The internal surface of the left half of the base …
328 The internal surface of the left half of the base …
329 Horizontal section through the nasal and orbital c…
330 Internal auditory meatus lateral view
331 Nasal septum lateral view
332 Nasal cavity lateral view
333 Nasal cavity lateral view middle and inferior conc…
334 Skull sagittal section
335 Half of mandible lateral view
336 Half of mandible medial view
337 Right half of Mandible in 24 mm long fetus lateral…
338 Right half of Mandible in 24 mm long fetus medial …
339 Right half of Mandible in 95 mm long fetus lateral…
340 Right half of Mandible in 95 mm long fetus lateral…
341 Mandible from birth to old age
342-343 Hyoid bone anterosuperior view and musclular attac…
344 Occipital bone posterior view
345 Occipital bone inferior view
346 Occipital bone internal view
347 Occipital bone at birth inferior view
348 Sphenoid bone superior view
349 Sphenoid bone posterior view
350 Sphenoid bone of 8 year old anterior view
351 Sphenoid bone at birth posterior view
352 Temporal bone external view
353 Temporal bone internal view
354 Temporal bone coronal section anterior view
355 Internal auditory meatus lateral view
356 Temporal bone inferior view
357 Three parts of the temporal bone at birth
358 Temporal bone at birth external view
359 Temporal bone at birth internal view
360 Parietal bone external view
361 Parietal bone internal view
362 Frontal bone external view
363 Frontal bone inferior view
364 Frontal sinuses anterior view
365 Frontal bone at birth external view
366 Ethmoid bone superior view
367 Perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone lateral view
368 Ethmoid bone posterior view
369 Ethmoid bone lateral view
370 Nasal cavity lateral view
371 Nasal cavity lateral view partial removal of middl…
372-373 Inferior nasal concha medial and lateral views
374 Lacrimal bone lateral view
375 Internal view of nasal canal
376 Articulation of nasal and lacrimal bones with maxi…
377-378 Nasal bone external and internal views
379 Nasal cavity medial view
380-381 Vomer lateral view and infant vomer lateral view
382 Sutural bones in lambdoid and sagittal sutures
383 Maxilla lateral view
384 Maxilla muscular attachments lateral view
385 Maxilla medial view
386 Maxillary sinus lateral view
387 Palate and Alveolar arch inferior view
388 Maxilla at birth lateral view
389 Maxilla at birth inferior view
390 Maxilla at birth medial view
391 Articulation of palatine and maxilla medial view
392 Palatine bone medial view
393 Palatine bone posterior view
394 Zygomatic bone in skull lateral view
395 Zygomatic bone lateral view
396 Zygomatic bone medial view
397 Anterior and posterior fontanelles in skull at bir…
398 Anterolateral and posterolateral fontanelles in sk…
399 Skull outline lateral view
400 Scapula costal view
401 Scapula dorsal view
402 Scapula lateral view
403 Ossification projection for scapula
404 Clavicle superior view
405 Clavicle inferior view
406 Clavicle three centres of ossification
407 Humerus anterior view
408 Key to humerus anterior view diagram 407
409 Humerus posterior view
410 Key to humerus posterior view diagram 409
411 Head of humerous superior view
412 Trochlea of humerus inferior view
413 Head of humerus longitudinal section
414 Ossification projection for humerus
415 Radius and Ulna anterior view
416 Radius and Ulna posterior view
417 Ossification projection for radius
418 Epiphyseal lines of young adult radius anterior vi…
419 Upper ulna lateral view
420 Radius and ulna transverse section showing interos…
421 Lower radius and ulna inferior view
422 Ossification projection for ulna
423 Epiphyseal lines of young adult ulna lateral view
424 Carpals and metacarpals palmar view
425 Muscle attachments to the carpals and metacarpals …
426 Carpals and metacarpals dorsal view
427 Muscle attachments to the carpals and metacarpals …
428 Scaphoid bone dorsal and frontal views
429 Lunate bone inferomedial and superiolateral views
430-431 Triquetrum bone palmar view and pisiform bone dors…
432 Trapezium bone palmar and superomedial views
433 Trapezoid bone and superomedial, inferolateral vie…
434 Capitate bone and lateral, medial view
435 Hamate bone and medial, inferolateral view
436 First metacarpal bone lateral and medial views
437 Second metacarpal bone dorsilateral and medial vie…
438 Third metacarpal bone lateral and medial views
439 Fourth metacarpal bone lateral and medial views
440 Fifth metacarpal bone lateral and medial views
441 Ossification projection for the hand of a child
442 Hip bone lateral view
443 Muscle attachments key to hip bone lateral view im…
444 Hip bone medial view
445 Muscle attachements key to hip bone medial view im…
446 Ishial tuberosity dorsal inferior view
447 Ossification projection for hip bone
448 Female pelvis inlet diameters
449 Female pelvis outlet diameters
450 Pelvis sagittal median section
451 Female pelvis anterior view
452 Male pelvis anterior view
453-454 Male pelvis lateral view and female pelvis lateral…
455 Upper femur dorsal view
456 Upper femur lateral view with muscle attachments
457 Femur anterior view
458 Muscle attachments key to femur anterior view imag…
459 Femur posterior view
460 Muscle attachments key to femur posterior view ima…
461 Lower femur inferior view
462 Lower femur lateral view
463 Head and neck of femur longitudinal section
464 Upper femur showing disposition of the principle c…
465 Upper femur oblique section showing calcar femoral…
466 Ossification projection for the femur
467-468 Patella anterior and posterior views
469-470 Upper tibia superior view and muscle attachments k…
471 Tibia and fibula bones anterior view
472 Muscle attachements key to tibia and fibula bones …
473 Tibia and fibula bones posterior view
474 Muscle attachments key to tibia and fibula bones p…
475 Ossification projection for tibia
476 Tibia and fibula transferse section showing intero…
477 Lower fibula medial view
478 Ossification projection for the fibula
479 Tarsal and metatarsal bones dorsal view
480 Tarsal amd metatarsal bones plantar view
481 Muscle attachement key to tarsal and metatarsal bo…
482 Talus superior view
483 Talus plantar view
484 Talaus medial view
485 Talus lateral view
486 Calcaneus superior view
487 Calcaneus plantar view
488 Calcaneus lateral view
489 Calcaneus medial view
490 Navicular bone anterior and posterior views
491 Medial cuneiform medial and lateral views
492 Intermediate cuneiform anteromedial and posterolat…
493 Lateral cuneiform anterolateral and posteromedial …
494 Cuboid anteromedial and posterolateral views
495 First metatarsal bone medial and lateral views
496 Second metatarsal bone medial and lateral views
497 Third metatarsal bone medial and lateral views
498 Fourth metatarsal bone medial and lateral views
499 Fifth metatarsal bone medial and lateral views
500 Ossification projection for bones of the foot
501 Skeleton foot medial view
502 Skeleton foot lateral view
Chapter 3 – Arthrology       Return to Top of Page
503 Section through a sagittal suture
504 Infant spheno-occiptal joint section
505 Secondary cartilaginous joint section
506 Synovial joint section
507 Synovial joint with articular disc section
508 Mandibular joint lateral view
509 Mandibular joint medial view
510 Mandibular joint sagittal section
511 Lumbar region vertebral column medial sagittal sec…
512 Posterior longitudinal ligament
513 Ligamentum flavuum anterior view
514 Atlanto-occipital and atlanto-axial joints anterio…
515 Posterior atlanto-occipital membrane posterior vie…
516 Atlas vertebrae with transverse ligament superior …
517 Ligaments of the neck posterior view spinous proce…
518 Occipital bone and C1,C2,C3 vertebrae median sagit…
519 Costvertebral joints anterolateral view
520 Costotransverse joints superior view
521 Costotransverse joints 3-9 inclusive section later…
522 Sternocostal and interchondral joints anterior vie…
523 Lateral view of ribs 1-7 showing A) ordinary expir…
524-525 Rib motion with breathing
526 Sternoclavicular joints anterior view
527 Shoulder anterior view
528 Shoulder joint section anterior view
529 Synovial cavity of shoulder anterior view
530 Shoulder joint interior lateral view
531 Shoulder joint muscles and nerves sagittal section
532 Shoulder with arteries, nerves, and muscles poster…
533 Synovial cavity of elbow joint anterior view
534 Synovial cavity of elbow joint posterior view
535 Elbow joint sagittal section
536 Elbow joint medial and annular ligaments medial vi…
537 Elbow joint lateral and annular ligaments lateral …
538 Elbow joint muscles, nerves, arteries, ligaments, …
539 Elbow annular ligament posterior view
540 Ligaments of wrist and metacarpals palmar view
541 Ligaments of wrist posterior view
542 Wrist synovial cavities coronal section
543 Metacarpophalangeal and digital joints palmar view
544 Metacarpophalangeal and digital joints medial view
545 Pelvis joints and ligaments anterosuperior view
546 Pelvis joints and ligaments posterior view
547 Pubic symphysis coronal section anterior view
548 Anterior sacral segment coronal section
549 Middle sacral segment coronal section
550 Posterior sacral segment coronal section
551 Hip joint sagittal section
552 Synovial cavity of hip joint posterior view
553 Hip joint iliofemoral and pubofemoral ligaments an…
554 Hip joint ischiofemoral ligament posterior view
555 Hip joint ligaments after removal of acetabulum
556 Hip joint muscles, ligaments, nerves, arteries, ve…
557 Synovial cavity of the knee joint lateral view
558 Knee joint, patella opened, posterior cruciate lig…
559 Synovial cavity of the knee joint posterior view
560 Knee joint muscles and ligaments anteromedial view
561 Knee joint ligaments popliteus posterior view
562 Knee joint posterior and anterior cruciate ligamen…
563 Knee joint posterior and anterior cruciate ligamen…
564 Upper end of tibia lateral and medial semilunar ca…
565 Knee joint sagittal section
566 Knee joint ligaments, muscles, nerves transverse s…
567 Patella contact with femur in different positions …
568 Synovial cavity of ankle joint, anterior and poste…
569 Ankle joint posterior talofibular, posterior infer…
570 Ankle joint deltoid ligament medial view
571 Lower ankle joint muscles, nerves, arteries, veins…
572 Ankle and tarsals ligaments lateral view
573 Ankle joint coronal section
574 Foot ligaments plantar view
575 Talocalcanean and talocalcaneonavicular joints sup…
576 Foot synovial cavities of intertarsal and tarsomet…
577 Left foot bones medial view
578 Left foot bones lateral view
Chapter 4 – Myology       Return to Top of Page
579 Muscles of the face and neck lateral view
580 Scalp and skull, dura mater, arachnoid, and pia ma…
581 Eye muscles orbicularis oculi, corrugator anterior…
582 Muscle attachments around the orbit anterior view
583 Mouth and throat muscles lateral view
584 Orbicularis oris muscle fiber arrangment anterior …
585 Left temporalis muscle lateral view
586 Left pterygoid muscles lateral view
586 Left lateral and medial pterygoid muscles lateral …
587 Left pterygoid muscles, arteries and nerves latera…
588 Left half of neck muscles, arteries, nerves, veins…
589 Lower neck carotid artery, internal jugular vein, …
590 Neck muscles lateral view
591 Right lateral view of cheeck musculature
592 Superficial neck muscles anterior view
593 Deep neck muscles anterior view
594 Posterior abdominal wall muscles transverse sectio…
595 Posterior trunk deep muscles posterior view
596 Left suboccipital muscles, nerves, and arteries, p…
597 Internal view of anterior chest wall – sternum and…
598 Intercostal muscles, vessles, and nerve close up a…
599 Diaphragm inferior view
600 Superifical abdominal and chest muscle lateral vie…
601 Right superficilal lower abdominal wall and groin …
602 Left superficial abdominal wall and groin femoral …
603 Left pelvis inguinal ligament anterior view
604 Internal abdominal oblique muscle and intercostals…
605 Transversus abdominis and rectus abdominis anterol…
606 Right deep lower abdominal wall and groin dorsal n…
606 Internal abdominal oblique and cremaster muscles a…
607 Left deep abdominal wall and groin veins, arteries…
608 Deep groin inferior epigastric artery, vein, and i…
609 Superficial abdominal muscles, arteries and veins …
610 Anterior abdominal wall transverse section above u…
611 Anterior abdominal wall transverse section below a…
612 Male pelvis, prostate coronal section
613 Male pelvis median sagittal section
614 Male pelvis muscles median sagittal section
615 Male pelvis muscles inferior view
616 Male pelvis, prostate coronal section
617 Femal pelvis muscles inferior view
618 Back muscles superficial and deep posterior view
619 Left superficial shoulder, arm, and chest muscles …
620 Left deep shoulder, arm, and chest muscles anterio…
621 Left deep shoulder and arm muscles posterior view
622 Upper arm muscles, arteries, nerves, veins transve…
623 Upper arm muscles, arteries, nerves, veins transve…
624 Upper arm muscles, arteries, nerves, veins transv…
625 Superificial forarm flexor muscles anterior view
626 Forarm muscles, arteries, nerves, veins, transvers…
627 Deep forarm flexor muscles anterior view
628 Hand muscle web of thumb and index finger laterla …
629 Forarm muscles, arteries, nerves, veins, transvers…
630 Superficial forarm extensors posterior view
631 Deep forarm extensors posterior view
632 Elbow supinator muscle anterior view
633 Left radius and ulna muscels, arteries, nerves, ve…
634 Left wrist tendons and synovial sheaths transverse…
635 Left wrist transverse carpal ligament anterior vie…
636 Left wrist dorsal carpal ligament posterior view
637 Right hand palmar aponeurosis anterior view
638 Left hand dissection first palmar interosseous mus…
639 Right wrist muscles and ligaments anterior view
640 Left hand and wrist muscles and ligaments anterior…
641 First, Second, Third, and Fourth lumbrical muscles…
642 Palmar interosseous muscles palmar view
643 Left thigh muscles anterior view
644 Medial thigh, great saphenous vein, inguinal ligam…
645 Thigh muscles transverse section at the level of t…
646 Thigh muscles adductors
647 Thigh muscles, nerves, arteries, veins transverse …
648 Right gluteus maximus and surrounding muscles post…
649 Right deep posterior thigh muscles posterolateral …
650 Left ilium showing acetabulum and ligaments
651 Left pelvic floor sagital section
652 Obturator externus and surrouding structures anter…
653 Thigh muscles transverse section at the adductor t…
654 Leg muscles, arteries, nerves, veins transverse se…
655 Superficial anterior leg muscles anterior view
656 Soleus and deep posterior leg muscles posterior vi…
657 Deep posterior leg muscles posterior view
658 Ankle bones and ligaments coronal section
659 Leg muscles lateral view
660 Leg muscles, arteries, nerves, veins, transverse s…
661 Lower ankle muscles, arteries, nerves, veins, tran…
662 Right ankle synovial sheaths of the tendons latera…
663 Right ankle synovial sheaths of the tendons medial…
664 Right foot plantar aponeurosis plantar view
665 Left foot muscles plantar view
666 Right foot muscles and nerve supply plantar view
667 Left foot muscles and flexor digitorum longus and …
668 Left foot muscles deep
669 Dorsal interossei of the foot
670 Planttar interossei of the foot
Chapter 5 – Angiology       Return to Top of Page
90448 Transverse section through a small artery and vein…
90449 Small artery and vein, pia mater of a sheep 250X
90450 Section of a medium-sized artery
90451 Capillaries from the mesentery of a guinea- pig
90452 Section of a medium-sized vein
90453 Human red blood corpuscles highly magnified
90454 Highly magnified variety of leucocytes found in hu…
90455 Human colourless blood corpuscle
90456 Blood platelets highly magnified
90457 Transverse section through the region of the heart…
90458 Vascular channels in a human embryo of the second …
90459 Human embryo of about fourteen days
90460 Head of chick embryo of about thirty-eight hours i…
90461 Diagram to illustrate the simple tubular condition…
90462 Heart of human embryo at approximately fourteen d…
90463 Heart of human embryo at approximately fifteen day…
90464 Dorsal surface of human heart embryo at thirty-fiv…
90465 Interior of dorsal half of heart from a human embr…
90466 Heart showing expansion of the atria
90467 Interior of dorsal half of heart from a human embr…
90468 Interior of dorsal half of hear from a human embry…
90469 Diagrams to illustrate the transformation of the b…
90470 Diagrams to show the development of the septum of …
90471 Transverse sections through the aortic bulb to sho…
90472 Profile view of a human embryo estimated at twenty…
90473 Scheme of the aortic arches and their destination
90474 Diagram showing the origins of the main branches o…
90475 Liver veins of a human embryo, twenty-four or twen…
90476 Human embryo with heart and anterior body wall rem…
90477 Scheme of arrangement of parietal veins
90478 Scheme showing early stages of development of the …
90479 Diagram showing the development of main cross bran…
90480 Diagram showing completion of development of the p…
90481 Venous sinus of the dura mater 4mm
90482 Venous sinus of the dura mater 14mm
90483 Venous sinus of the dura mater 18mm
90484 Venous sinus of the dura mater 21mm
90485 Venous sinus of the dura mater 35mm
90486 Venous sinus of the dura mater 50mm
90487 Venous sinus of the dura mater 80mm
90488 Venous sinus of the dura mater at birth
90489 Pericardial sac posterior view
90490 Heart and lungs anterior view
90491 Base and diaphragmatic surface of the heart
90492 Sternocostal surface of the heart
90493 Interior of right side of heart
90494 Heart superior view
90495 Base of ventricles exposed by removal of the atria
90496 Interior of left side of heart
90497 Aorta laid open to show semilunar valves
90498 Section of the heart showing the ventricular septu…
90499 Anastomosing muscular fibers of the heart seen in …
90500 Purkinje fibers in a sheep heart
90501 Schematic representation of the atrioventricular b…
90502 Plan for fetal circulation
Chapter 6 – The Arteries      Return to Top of Page
90503 Transverse section of the thorax showing the pulmo…
90504 Pulmonary vessels and lungs posterior view
90505 Arch of the aorta and the branches
90506 Plan of the branches
90507 Superficial dissection of the right side of the ne…
90508 Superficial arteries of the face and scalp
90509 The labial coronary arteries, the glands of the li…
90510 Plan of the brances of the internal maxillary arte…
90511 Diagram plan of the branches of the internal maxil…
90512 The triangles of the neck
90513 The internal carotid and vertebral arteries right …
90514 The ophthalmic artery and its branches
90515 Blood vessels of the eyelids anterior view
90516 Arteries of the base of the brain inferior view
90517 Outer surface of cerebral hemisphere, showing area…
90518 Medial surface of cerebral hemisphere, showing are…
90519 Diagram of the arterial circulation at the base of…
90520 Superficial dissection of the right side of the ne…
90521 The scapular and circumflex arteries
90522 The internal mammary artery and its branches
90523 The axillary artery and its branches
90524 The scapular and circumflex arteries
90525 The brachial artery
90526 Diagram of the anastomosis around the elbow joint
90527 The radial and ulnar arteries
90528 Ulnar and radial arteries, deep view
90529 Arteries of the back of the forearm and hand
90530 The thoracic aorta, viewed from the left side
90531 The abdominal aorta and its branches
90532 The celiac artery and its branches
90533 The celiac artery and its branches peritoneum has …
90534 Superior mesenteric artery and branches
90535 Loop of small intestine showing distribution of in…
90536 Arteries of the cecum and vermiform process
90537 Inferior mesenteric artery and its branches
90538 Sigmoid colon and rectum, showing distribution of …
90539 Arteries of the pelvis lateral view
90540 Arteries of the uterus posterior view
90541 Variations in origina nd course of obturator arter…
90542 The superficial brances of the internal pudendal a…
90543 Deeper branches of the internal pudendal artery
90544 Arteries of the gluteal and posterior femoral regi…
90545 Femoral sheath laid open to show its three compart…
90546 Structures passing behind the inguinal ligament
90547 Right abdomen showing femoral and abdominal inguin…
90548 Scheme of the femoral artery
90549 Left femoral triangle showing artery, nerve, and v…
90550 The femoral artery
90551 The popliteal, posterior tibial, and peroneal arte…
90552 Knee joint circumpatellar anastomosis anterior vie…
90553 Anterior tibial and dorsalis pedis arteries
90554 Superficial plantar arteries
90555 Deep plantar arteries
Chapter 7 – The Veins      Return to Top of Page
90556 Base and diaphragmatic surface of the heart
90557 Right veins of the head and neck lateral view
90558 Veins of the neck anterior view
90559 Veins of the tongue
90560 Veins of the thyroid gland
90561 Common arrangment of thyroid veins
90562 The fascia and middle thyroid veins
90563 The vertebral vein lateral view
90564 Veins of the diploe, outer table of the skull has …
90565 Velum interpositum
90566 Superior sagittal sinus laid open after the remova…
90567 Dura mater and its processes exposed by removing p…
90568 Sinuses of the dura sagittal section of the skull
90569 Tentorium cerebelli superior view
90570 Sinuses at the base of the skull superior view
90571 Oblique section through the cavernous sinus
90572 Veins of the orbit
90573 veins of the hand dorsal view
90574 Superficial veins of the arm and forearm anterior …
90575 Deep veins of the arm and forearm anterior view
90576 Veins of the right axilla anterior view
90578 Transverse section of a thoracic vertebra showing …
90579 Median sagittal section of two thoracic vertebrae,…
90580 The great saphenous vein and its tributaries at th…
90581 The great saphenous vien of the thigh and leg ante…
90582 The small saphenous vein posterior leg view
90583 The popliteal vein posterior view
90584 The femoral vein anterior view
90585 Right half of male pelvis veins lateral view
90586 The iliac veins
90587 Scheme of the anastomosis of the veins of the rect…
90588 Transverse section of the penis showing the blood …
90589 Blood vessels of the uterus posterior view
90590 Veins of the male reproductive system anterior vie…
90591 The portal vein
Chapter 8 – The Lymphatic System      Return to Top of Page
90592 Scheme showing the relative positions of the prima…
90593 Lymph capillaries of the human conjunctiva 40X
90594 Lymph capillaries from the human scrotum 20X
90595 Lymph capillaries fof the cutis from the inner bor…
90596 Vertical section through human tongue 45X
90597 Section of smally lymph gland of rabbit 100X
90598 Highly magnifiec lymph gland tissue
90599 Thoracic and right lymphatic ducts
90600 Modes of origin of thoracic duct
90601 Terminal collecting trunks of right side
90602 Superficial lymph glands and lymphatic vessels of …
90603 Lymphatics of the pharynx posterior view
90604 Lymphatics of the face lateral view
90605 Lymphatics of the tongue lateral view
90606 Superficial lymph glands and lymphatic vessels of …
90607 Lymphatics of teh mammary and axillary glands ante…
90608 Lymphatic vessels of the dorsal surface of the han…
90609 Lymph glands of the popliteal fossa posterior view
90610 Superficial lymph glands and lymphatic vessels of …
90611 Parietal lymph glands of the pelvis
90612 Iliopelvic lymphatic glands lateral view
90613 Lymphatics of the stomach anterior view
90614 Lymphatics of the stomach anterior view
90615 Lymphatics of the cecum and vermiform process ante…
90616 Lymphatics of the cecum and vermiform process post…
90617 Lymphatics of the colon anterior view
90618 Lymphatics of the bladder lateral view
90619 Lymphatics of the prostate lateral view
90620 Lymphatics of the uterus lateral view
90621 Deep lymph nodes and vessels of the thorax and abd…
90622 The tracheobronchial lymph glands anterior view
Chapter 9 – Neurology       Return to Top of Page
90623 Neuroglia cells of brain shown by Golgi’s method
90624 Various forms of nerve cells. A. Pyramidal cell, B…
90625 Bipolar nerve cell from the spinal ganglion of the…
90626 Motor nerve cell from ventral horn of medulla spin…
90627 Pyramidal cell form the cerebral cortex of a mouse
90628 Cell of purkinje from the cerebellum. Golgi method…
90629 Nerve cells of kitten, showing neurofibrils A) Axo…
90630 Medullated nerve fibers at 350X
90631 Diagram of longitudinal sections of medullated ner…
90632 Transverse sections of medullated nerve fibers
90633 Diagram of medullated nerve fivers stained with os…
90634 Medullated nerve fibers stained with silver nitrat…
90635 A small nervous branch from the sympathetic of a m…
90636 Transverse section of human tibial nerve
90637 Muscle fivers of Lacerta viridis with the terminat…
90638 Transverse section of spinal ganglion of rabbit A)…
90639 Transverse section of sympathetic ganglion of a ca…
90640 Section of medulla spinalis of a four week old emb…
90641 Transverse section of the medulla spinalis of a hu…
90642 Section of medulla spinalis eight and a half weeks
90643 Section of medulla spinalis at about three months
90644 Two stages in the development of the neural crest …
90645 Reconstruction of the peripheral nerves of a human…
90646 Diagram to illustrate the alar and basal laminae o…
90647 Transverse section of the medulla oblongata of hum…
90648 Transverse section of the medulla oblongata of hum…
90649 Hind-brain of a human embryo of three months poste…
90650 Exterior of brain of human embryo at four and a ha…
90651 Brain of human embryo of four and a half weeks sho…
90652 Exterior of brain of human embryo at five weeks la…
90653 Interior of brain of human embryo at five weeks la…
90654 Median sagittal section of the brain embryo at thr…
90655 Brain of an embryo at the begining of fourth month…
90656 Coronal section diagram of the brain showing relat…
90657 Median sagittal section of the brain of a human em…
90658 Cerebral hemisphere of human embryo at about five …
90659 Transverse section of the medulla oblongata of hum…
90660 Transverse section of medulla oblongata of human e…
90661 Sagittal section of the vertebral canal to show th…
90662 Cauda equina and filum terminale posterior view
90663 Diagrams of the medulla spinalis
90664 Transverse section of the medulla spinalis in the …
90665 Curves showing the sectional area at different lev…
90666 Transverse sections of the medulla spinalis at dif…
90667 Section of central canal of medulla spinalis, show…
90668 Longitudinal section of the intersegmental neurons…
90669 Diagram showing a few of the connections of affere…
90670 Diagram showing the possible connection of long de…
90671 Transverse sections of the medulla spinalis at dif…
90672 Diagram of the principal fasciculi of the spinal c…
90673 Formation of the fasciculus gracilis posterior vie…
90674 Decending fibers in the posterior funiculi at diff…
90675 A spinal nerve with its anterior and posterior roo…
90676 Posterior roots entering the medulla spinalis and …
90677 Scheme showing the connections of the parts of the…
90678 Schematic representation of the chief ganglionic c…
90679 Medulla oblongata and pons anterior view
90680 Decussation of pyramids. Diagram shows passage of …
90681 Hind and mid brains posterolateral view
90682 Superficial dissection of brain stem lateral view
90683 Dissection of brain stem lateral view
90684 Deep dissection of brain stem lateral view
90685 Deep dissection of brain stem lateral view
90686 Upper part of medulla spinalis and hind- and mid-b…
90687 Section of the medulla oblongata through the lower…
90688 Section of the medulla oblongata through the level…
90689 Superficial dissection of brain-stem anterior view
90690 Deep dissection of the brain-stem anterior view
90691 Dissection of the brain-stem posterior view
90692 Superior terminations of the posterior fasciculi o…
90693 Transverse section passing through the sensory dec…
90694 Section of the medulla oblongata at about the midd…
90695 Transverse section of medulla oblongata below the …
90696 The cranial nerve nuceli schematically represented…
90697 Nuceli of origin of cranial motor nerves schematic…
90698 Primary terminal nuclei of the afferent cranial ne…
90699 Diagram showing the course of the arcuate fibers. …
90700 The formation reticularis of the medulla oblongata…
90701 Coronal section of the pons upper region
90702 Cerebellum superior view
90703 Cerebellum inferior view
90704 Sagittal section of the cerebellum near the juncti…
90705 Dissection showing the projection fibers of the ce…
90706 Transverse section of a cerebellar folium
90707 Sagittal section through the right cerebellar hemi…
90708 Scheme of the roof of the fourth ventricle. The ar…
90709 Rhomboid fossa
90710 Coronal section through mid-brain. (Schematic.) (T…
90711 Transverse section of mid-brain at the level of in…
90712 Transverse section of mid-brain at the level of su…
90713 Scheme showing the course of the fibers of the lem…
90714 Transverse section passing through the sensory dec…
90715 Mesal aspect of a brain sectioned in the median sa…
90716 Dissection showing the ventricles of the brain
90717 Coronal section of brain in front of pons
90718 Coronal section of brain through intermediate mass…
90719 Hind- and mid-brain posterolateral view
90720 Median sagittal section of brain. The relations of…
90721 The hypophysis cerebri in position sagittal sectio…
90722 Scheme showing central connections of the optic ne…
90723 Coronal section of lateral and third ventricles
90724 Base of the brain inferior view
90725 Lateral surface of left cerebral hemisphere superi…
90726 Lateral surface of left cerebral hemisphere latera…
90727 Medial surface of left cerebral hemisphere
90728 Principal fissures and lobes of there cerebrum lat…
90729 Orbital surface of left frontal lobe
90730 Section of the brain showing upper surface of temp…
90731 The insula of the left side of the brain lateral v…
90732 Scheme of rhinencephalon
90733 Corpus callosum superior view
90734 Scheme showing relations of the ventricles to the …
90735 Drawing of a cast of the ventricular cavities supe…
90736 Drawing of a cas of ventricular cavitites lateral …
90737 Central part and anterior and posterior cornua of …
90738 Coronal section through posterior cornua of latera…
90739 Posterior and inferior cornua of left lateral vent…
90740 Inferior and posterior cornua superior view
90741 Two views of a model of the striatum A) Lateral vi…
90742 Horizontal ssection of right cerebral hemisphere
90743 Coronal section through anterior cornua of lateral…
90744 Coronal section of brain through anterior commissu…
90745 Dissection showing the course of the cerebrospinal…
90746 Diagram of the tracts in the internal capsule. Mot…
90747 Diagram of the fornix
90748 The fornix and corpus callosum inferior view
90749 Coronal section of inferior horn of lateral ventri…
90750 Tela chorioidea of the third ventricle, and the ch…
90751 Diagram showing principal systems of association f…
90752 Dissection of cortex and brain-stem showing associ…
90753 Deep dissection of cortex and brain-stem
90754 Section of the cerebral cortex nerve cells and fib…
90755 Coronal section of the olfactory bulb
90756 Areas of localization on the lateral surface of th…
90757 Areas of localization on the medial surface of the…
90758 Diagram of the spinal cord reflex apparatus
90759 The sensory tract brain-stem to cerebrum
90760 Terminal nuclei of the cochlear nerve with their u…
90761 Terminal nuclei of the vestibular nerve with their…
90762 Figure showing the different groups of cells, whic…
90763 Scheme showing the central connections of the opti…
90764 The motor tract brain-stem to cerebrum
90765 Dura mater and its processes lateral view right ha…
90766 Tentorium cerebelli superior view
90767 The medulla spinalis and its membranes
90768 Diagram showing the positions of the three princip…
90769 Diagrammatic representation of a section across th…
90770 Diagrammatic transverse section of the medulla spi…
90771 Nerves of the septum of the nose. Right side
90772 Plan of olfactory neurons
90773 Left optic nerve and the optic tracts
90774 Scheme showing the central connections of the opti…
90775 Plan of the oculomotor nerve
90776 Nerves of the orbit superior view
90777 Nerves of the orbit and the ciliary ganglion later…
90778 Distribution of the maxillary and mandibular nerve…
90779 Alveolar branches of superior maxillary nerve and …
90780 The sphenopalatine ganglion and its branches
90781 Mandibular division of the trifacial nerve lateral…
90782 Mandibular division of the trifacial nerve from th…
90783 The otic ganglion and its branches lateral view
90784 Sensory areas of the head showing the general dist…
90785 Figure showing the mode of innervation of the rect…
90786 Oblique section through the right cavernous sinus
90787 Dissection showing origins of right ocular muscles…
90788 Plan of the facial and intermediate nerves and the…
90789 The course and connections of the facial nerve in …
90790 The nerves of the scalp, face, and side of neck la…
90791 Plan for the upper portions of the glossopharyngea…
90792 Upper part of medulla spinalis and hind- and mid-b…
90793 Course and distribution of the glossopharyngeal, v…
90794 Hypoglossal nerve, cervical plexus, and their bran…
90795 Plan of hypoglssal nerve
90796 A portion of the spinal cord, showing the right la…
90797 Distribution of cutaneous nerves. Anterior view
90798 Distribution of cuntaneous nerves. Posterior view
90799 Scheme showing structure of a typical nerve
90800 Posterior primary divisions of the upper three cer…
90801 Diagram of the distribution of the cutaneous branc…
90802 Areas of distribution of the cutaneous branches of…
90803 The posterior divisions of the sacral nerves
90804 Plan of the cervical plexus
90805 The nerves of the scalp, face, and neck lateral vi…
90806 The phrenic nerve and its relations with the vagus…
90807 Plan of the brachial plexus
90808 The right brachial plexus with its short branches …
90809 The right brachial plexus (infraclavicular portion…
90810 Suprascapular and axillary nerves of the right sid…
90811 Cutaneous nerves of the right anterior arm, forear…
90812 Diagram of the segmental distribution of the cutan…
90813 Cutaneous nerves of the right posterior arm, forea…
90814 Diagram of the segmental distribution of the cutan…
90815 Superficial palmar nerves
90816 Nerves of the left arm and forearm anterior view
90817 Deep palmar nerves
90818 The suprascapular, axillary, and radial nerves pos…
90819 Diagram of the course and branches of a typical in…
90820 Cutaneous distribution of thoracic nerves lateral …
90821 Intercostal nerves the superficial muscles have be…
90822 Plan of the lumbar plexus
90823 The lumbar plexus and its branches anterior view
90824 Deep and superficial dissection of the lumbar plex…
90825 Cutaneous nerves of the right thigh and leg anteri…
90826 Diagram of segmental distribution of the cutaneous…
90827 Nerves of the right thigh and leg anterior view
90828 Plan of sacral and pudendal plexuses
90829 Dissection of side wall of pelvis showing sacral a…
90830 Cutaneous nerves of the right thigh and leg poster…
90831 Diagram of the segmental distribution of the cutan…
90832 Nerves of the thigh and leg posterior view
90833 The plantar nerves
90834 Diagram of the segmental distribution of the cutan…
90835 Deep nerves of the anterior leg
90836 Nerves of the dorsum of the foot
90837 The right sacral plexus lateral view
90838 The right sympathetic chain and its connections wi…
90839 Diagram of the efferent sympathetic nervous system…
90840 Sympathetic connections of the ciliary and superio…
90841 Sympathetic connections of the sphenopalatine and …
90842 Sympathetic connections of the submaxillary and su…
90843 Sympathetic connections of the otic and superior c…
90844 Diagram of the cervical sympathetic
90845 Plan of right sympathetic cord and splanchnic nerv…
90846 Thoracic portion of the sympathetic trunk lateral …
90847 Abdominal portion of the sympathetic trunk, with t…
90848 The celiac ganglia with the sympathetic plexuses o…
90849 Lower half of right sympathetic cord lateral view
Chapter 10 – The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument      Return to Top of Page
90850 Vertical section of papilla foliata of a rabbit, c…
90851 Highly magnified taste bud
90852 Cartilages of the nose lateral view
90853 Cartilages of the nose, inferior view
90854 Bones and cartilages of septum of nose lateral vie…
90855 Lateral wall of nasal cavity
90856 Lateral wall of nasal cavity; the three nasal conc…
90857 Section of the olfactory mucous membrane
90858 Nerves of the right septum of the nose lateral vie…
90859 Coronal section of nasal cavities
90860 Specimen from a child eight days old. Showing the …
90861 Specimen from a child one year, four months, and s…
90862 Specimen from a child eight years, eight months, a…
90863 Transverse section of the head of a chick embryo o…
90864 Transverse section of the head of a chick embryo a…
90865 Optic cup and choroidal fissure inferior view of a…
90866 Horizontal section through the eye of an eighteen …
90867 Sagittal section of a human embryo eye of six week…
90868 Section of a developing trout eye (Szily)
90869 Horizontal section of the eyeball
90870 Enlarged general view of the iridial angle (Arthur…
90871 Vertical section of human cornea from near the mar…
90872 The choroid and iris enlarged
90873 The arteries of the choroid and iris. The greater …
90874 The veins of the choroid lateral view
90875 Interior of anterior half of bulb of the eye
90876 Vessels of the choroid, cillary processes, and iri…
90877 Diagram of the blood vessels of the eye, horizonta…
90878 Iris anterior view
90879 Interior of posterior half of bulb of left eye. Th…
90880 The terminal portion of the optic nerve and its en…
90881 Magnified section of the retina
90882 Plan of the retinal neurons (After Cajal)
90883 The upper half of a sagittal section through the f…
90884 The crystalline lens, hardened and divided (enlarg…
90885 Diagram to show the direction and arrangement of t…
90886 Profile views of the lens at different peroids of …
90887 Section through the margin of the lens, showing th…
90888 Sagittal section of right orbital cavity
90889 Muscles of the right orbit lateral view
90890 Dissection showing origins of right ocular muscles…
90891 The right eye in sagittal section, showing the fas…
90892 Front of left eye with eyelids separated to show m…
90893 Sagittal section through the upper eyelid (After W…
90894 The tarsi and their ligaments. Right eye anterior …
90895 The tarsal glands seen from the inner surface of t…
90896 The lacrimal apparatus. Right side.
90897 Alveoli of lacrimal gland
90898 Section through the head of a human embryo, about …
90899 Section through the hind-brain and auditory vesicl…
90900 Lateral views of membranous labyrinth and acoustic…
90901 Median views of membranous labyrinth and acoustic …
90902 Transverse section through the head of a fetal she…
90903 Transverse section of the cochlear duct of a fetal…
90904 The auricula lateral view
90905 Cranial surface of cartilage of right auricula lat…
90906 The muscles of the auricula
90907 External and middle ear, opened from the front, ri…
90908 Horizontal section through the left ear, upper hal…
90909 Right tympanic membrane as seen through a speculum
90910 The tympanic membrane viewed from within (Testut)
90911 View of the inner wall of the tympanum (enlarged)
90912 The right membrana tympani with the hammer and the…
90913 Coronal section of right temporal bone
90914 The medial wall and part of the posterior and ante…
90915 Auditory tube, laid open by a cut in the long axis
90916 Left malleus. A. Posterior view. B. From within
90917 Left incus. A. From within. B. Anterior view
90918 A. Left stapes. B. Base of stapes, medial view
90919 Chain of ossicles and their ligaments, seen from t…
90920 Right osseous labyrinth. Lateral view
90921 Interior of right osseous labyrinth
90922 Position of the right bony labyrinth of the ear in…
90923 The cochlea and vestibule, superior view
90924 The membranous labyrinth (enlarged)
90925 Right human membranous labyrinth antero-lateral vi…
90926 Right human membranous labyrinth postero-medial vi…
90927 Transverse section of a human semicircular canal a…
90928 Diagrammatic longitudinal section of the cochlea
90929 Floor of the ductus cochlearis
90930 Limbus laminae spiralis and membrana basilaris (Te…
90931 Section through the spiral organ of Corti. Magnifi…
90932 The lamina reticularis and subjacent structures (T…
90933 Part of the cochlear division of the acoustic nerv…
90934 End-bulb of Krause (Klein)
90935 Pacinian corpuscle, with its system of capsules an…
90936 Papilla of the hand, treated with acetic acid. Mag…
90937 Nerve ending of Ruffini (After A. Ruffini)
90938 Organ of Golgi (neurotendinous spindle) from the h…
90939 Middle third of a terminal plaque in the muscel sp…
90940 A diagrammatic sectional view of the skin (Maginfi…
90941 Section of the epidermis and its layers (Ranvier)
90942 The distribution of the bloodvessels in the skin o…
90943 Longitudinal section through nail and its nail gro…
90944 Section of skin showing the epidermis and dermis, …
90945 Transverse section of hair follilcle
90946 Body of a sudoiferous gland cut in various directi…
Chapter 11 – Splanchnology       Return to Top of Page
90947 The head and neck of a human embryo thirty-two day…
90948 Lung buds from a human embryo of about four weeks,…
90949 Lungs of a human embry more advanced in developmen…
90950 The cartilages of he larynx posterior view
90951 The ligaments of the larynx antero-lateral view
90952 Ligaments of the larynx posterior view
90953 Sagittal section of the larynx and upper part of t…
90954 Coronal section of larynx and upper part of trache…
90955 Entrance to the larynx posterior view
90956 Laryngoscopic view of the interior of the larynx
90957 Larynx, showing muscle attachements lateral view
90958 Muscles of the larynx posterior view
90959 Muscles of the larynx lateral view.
90960 Musles of the laryx superior view
90961 Cartilages of the laryx, trachea, and bronchi
90962 Bronchi and bronchioles, the lungs anterior view
90963 Transverse section of the trachea, just above its …
90964 Transverse section of the trachea
90965 Front view of the thorax, showing the relations of…
90966 The thorax, showing relations of the pleurae and l…
90967 Transverse section through the upper margin of the…
90968 A transverse section of the thorax, showing the co…
90969 The middle and posterior mediastina left lateral s…
90970 Heart and lungs anterior view
90971 Pulmonaary vessels, seen in a dorsal view of the h…
90972 Mediastinal surface of the right lung
90973 Mediastinal surface of the left lung
90974 Part of a secondary lobule from the depth of a hum…
90975 Schematic longitudinal section of a primary lobule…
90976 Section of a lung of a pig embryo, 13 cm long show…
90977 Human embryo of about fiftenn days old. Brain and …
90978 Head end of human embryo of about thirty to thirty…
90979 Floor of pharynx of human embryo about twenty-six …
90980 Floor of pharynx of human embryo of about the end …
90981 Floor of pharynx of human embryo of about thirty d…
90982 Sketches in profile of two stages in the developme…
90983 Front view of two successive stages in the develop…
90984 The primitive mesentery of a six weeks’ human embr…
90985 Abdominal part of the digestive tube and its attac…
90986 Reconstruction of a human embryo of 17mm (After Ma…
90987 Diagrams to illustrate two stages in the developme…
90988 Final disposition of the intestines and their vasc…
90989 Schematic figure of the bursa omentalis, etc. Huma…
90990 Diagrams to illustrate the development of the grea…
90991 Tail end of human embryo from fifteen to eighteen …
90992 Cloaca of human embryo from twenty-five to twenty-…
90993 Tail end of human embryo, from eight and a half to…
90994 Sagittal section of nose, mouth, pharynx, and lary…
90995 Teeth and jaws lateral view
90996 Permanent teeth of upper dental arch, inferior vie…
90997 Permanent teeth of right half of lower dental arch…
90998 Maxillae at about one year old lateral view
90999 The complete temporary dentition (about three year…
91000 The complete temporary dentition and the first per…
91001 The complete temporary dentition and the first per…
91002 Permanent teeth. Right side. (Burchard)
91003 The permanent teeth, viewed from the right. The ex…
91004 Deciduous teeth left side lateral view
91005 Vertical section of a tooth in situ. 15X is placed…
91006 Vertical section of a molar tooth.
91007 Vertical section of a premolar tooth
91008 Transverse section of a portion of the root of a c…
91009 Sagittal section through the first lower deciduous…
91010 Sagittal section through the canine tooth of an em…
91011 Vertical section of the mandible of an early human…
91012 Longitudinal section of the lower part of a growin…
91013 The mouth cavity. The apex of the tongue is turned…
91014 The mouth cavity. The cheeks have been slit transv…
91015 Circumvallate papilla in vertical section, showing…
91016 A filiform papilla. Magnified.
91017 Section of a fungiform papilla. Magnified.
91018 Semidiagrammatic view of a portion of the mucous m…
91019 Extrinsic muscles of the tongue. Left side lateral…
91020 Coronal section of tongue, showing intrinsic muscl…
91021 Vertical section of papilla foliata of the rabbit,…
91022 Right parotid gland. Posterior and deep view
91023 Right parotid gland. Anterior and deep view
91024 Dissection, showing salivary glands of right side,…
91025 Section of submaxillary gland of a kitten. Duct se…
91026 Human submaxiilary gland. (R. Heidenhain.) At the …
91027 Section through one of the crypts of the tonsil. (…
91028 Dissection of the muscles of the palate posterior …
91029 Nasa part of pharynx, as seen with the laryngoscop…
91030 Muscles of the pharynx and cheek lateral view
91031 Muscles of the pharynx, viewed from behind, togeth…
91032 The position and relation of the esophagus in the …
91033 Section of the human esophagus. Moderately magnifi…
91034 Thoracic and abdominal viscera anterior view
91035 Vertical disposition of the peritoneum. The main c…
91036 Posterior view of the anterior abdominal wall in i…
91037 The peritoneum of the male pelvis sagittal section…
91038 Horizontal disposition of the peritoneum in the lo…
91039 Horizontal disposition of the peritoneum in the up…
91040 Diagram devised by Delepine to show the lines alon…
91041 Superior and inferior duodenal fossae (Poirier and…
91042 Duodenojejunal fossa. (Poirier and Charpy)
91043 Superior ileocecal fossa (Poirier and Charpy)
91044 Inferior ileocecal fossa. The cecum and ascending …
91045 The cecal fossa. The ileum and cecum are drawn bac…
91046 Outline of stomach, showing its anatomical landmar…
91047 Diagram showing shape and position of empty stomac…
91048 Diagram showing shape and position of moderately f…
91049 Diagram showing shape and position of distended st…
91050 Interior of the stomach lateral view
91051 The longitudinal and circular muscular fibers of t…
91052 The oblique muscular fibers of the stomach, viewed…
91053 Section of mucous membrane of human stomach, near …
91054 A pyloric gland, from a section of the dog’s stoma…
91055 A fundus gland
91056 The duodenum and pancreas
91057 Interior of the descending portion of the duodenum…
91058 Section of duodenum of cat (After Schafer) 60X
91059 Vertical section of a villus from a dog’s small in…
91060 Transverse section of a villus, from the human int…
91061 Villi of small intestine, showing bloodvessels and…
91062 An intestinal gland from the human intestine (Flem…
91063 Vertical section of a human aggregated lymphatic n…
91064 Transverse section through the equatorial plane of…
91065 Diagram showing the arrangement and variations of …
91066 Diagram showing the arrangement and variations of …
91067 Diagram showing the arrangement and variations of …
91068 Diagram showing the arrangement and variations of …
91069 Diagram showing the arrangement and variations of …
91070 Diagram showing the arrangement and variations of …
91071 The myenteric plexus from a rabbit 50X
91072 The plexus of the submucosa from the rabbit 50X
91073 The cecum and vermiform process, with their arteri…
91074 Transverse section of human vermiform process 20X
91075 Interior of the cecum and lower end of ascending c…
91076 Iliac colon, sigmoid or pelvic colon, and rectum a…
91077 The rectum posterior view
91078 Coronal section of the rectum and anal canal
91079 Coronal section through the anal canal (Symington)
91080 Inner wall of the lower end of the rectum and anus
91081 Inner wall of the lower end of the rectum and anus…
91082 Section of mucous membrane of human rectum (Sobott…
91083 The blood vessels of the rectum and anus, showing …
91084 Varieties of oblique inguinal hernia
91085 The superior surface of the liver (From model by H…
91086 Inferior surface of the liver (From model by His)
91087 Posterior and inferior surfaces of the liver (From…
91088 Liver with the septum transversum. Human embryo 3 …
91089 Longitudinal section of a hepatic vein (After Kier…
91090 Longitudinal section of a small portal vein and ca…
91091 Section of injected liver from a dog
91092 A single lobule of the liver of a pig 60X
91093 Section across portal canal of pig 250X
91094 Bile capillaries of rabbit. Shown Golgi’s method 4…
91095 The gall-bladder and bile ducts laid open (Spalteh…
91096 Transverse section of the gall-bladder
91097 Transverse section through the middle of the first…
91098 The duodenum and pancreas
91099 The pancreas and duodenum posterior view (From mod…
91100 The pancreatic duct lateral view
91101 Pancreas of a human embryo of five weeks (Kollmann…
91102 Pancreas of a human embryo at the end of six weeks…
91103 Schematic and enlarged cross-section through the b…
91104 Section through the body of a human embryo in the …
91105 Section of pancreas of a dog at 250X
91106 Section of the urogenital fold of a chick embryo o…
91107 Enlarged view from the front of the left Wolffian …
91108 Broad ligament of an adult lateral view (From Farr…
91109 Urogenital sinus of femal human embryo of eight an…
91110 Diagrams to show the development of male and femal…
91111 Transverse section of human embryo eight and a hal…
91112 Longitudinal section of ovary of cat embryo of 9.4…
91113 Section of the ovary of a newly born child (Waldey…
91114 Section of a genital cord of the testis of a human…
91115 Caudal end of human embryo at twenty-five to twent…
91116 Caudal end of human embryo thirty-two to thirty-th…
91117 Caudal end of human embryo at eight and a half to …
91118 Primitive kidney and bladder, from a reconstructio…
91119 Stages in the development of the external sex orga…
91120 Viscera and large vessels of the abdomen posterior…
91121 Posterior abdominal wall, after removal of the per…
91122 The kidneys anterior view
91123 The kidneys posterior view
91124 The kidneys with relation to other organs and tiss…
91125 Sagittal section through the posterior abdominal w…
91126 Transverse section, showing the relations of the c…
91127 Vertical section of the kidney
91128 Scheme of renal tubule and its vascular supply
91129 Distribution of bloodvessels in the cortex of the …
91130 The glomerulus
91131 Longitudinal section of descending loop of Henle
91132 Section of cortex of a human kidney
91133 Transverse section of pyramidal substance of the k…
91134 Transverse section of the ureter
91135 Median sagittal section of the male pelvis
91136 Male pelvic organs lateral view. Bladder and rectu…
91137 Sagittal section through the pelvis of a newly bor…
91138 Sagittal section through the pelvis of a newly bor…
91139 Median sagittal section of a female pelvis
91140 The interior of a bladder superior view
91141 Vertical section of a bladder wall
91142 The male urethra laid open on its anterior side
91143 The scrotum anterior view (Testut)
91144 The scrotum, cremaster muscle visible anterior vie…
91145 Transverse section through the left side of the sc…
91146 The spermatic cord in the inguinal canal (Poirier …
91147 The spermatic veins (Testut)
91148 The right testis, exposed by laying open the tunic…
91149 Vertical section of the testis, shows the arrangem…
91150 Transverse section of a tubule of the testis of a …
91151 Section of the epididymis of a guinea-pig 255X
91152 Fundus of the bladder with the vesiculae seminales…
91153 Vesiculae seminales and ampullae of ductus deferen…
91154 The constituent cavernous cylinders of the penis
91155 Transverse section of the penis
91156 Vertical section of bladder, penis, and urethra
91157 Section of the corpus cavernosum penis in a non-di…
91158 Diagram of the arteries of the penis lateral view …
91159 Veins of the penis anterior view (Testut)
91160 Prostate with seminal vesicles and seminal ducts a…
91161 Uterus and right broad ligament posterior view
91162 Adult ovary, epoophoron, and uterine tube (From Fa…
91163 Section of the ovary (After Schron)
91164 Section of a vesicular ovarian follicle of a cat 5…
91165 Female pelvis internal antero-superior view
91166 Sagittal section of the lower part of a female tru…
91167 Posterior half of uterus and upper part of the vag…
91168 Sagittal section through the pelvis of a newly bor…
91169 Vertical section of mucous membrane of a human ute…
91170 The arteries of the uterus posterior view (After H…
91171 The external genitalia organs of a female. The lab…
91172 Dissection of the lower half of a breast during th…
91173 Section of a portion of a breast
91174 The thyroid gland and its relations anterior view
91175 Scheme showing the development of brachial epithel…
91176 Section of thyroid gland of a sheep at 160X
91177 The parathyroid glands (Halsted and Evans)
91178 The thymus of a full-time fetus anterior view
91179 The minute structure of the thymus. Magnified abou…
91180 Sagittal section of the hypophysis cerebri in posi…
91181 Median sagittal section through the hypophysis of …
91182 Vertical sections of the heads of early embryos of…
91183 Suprarenal glands anterior view
91184 Suprarenal glands posterior view
91185 Section of a part of a suprarenal gland (Magnified…
91186 Section of a part of human glomus caroticum. Highl…
91187 Section of an irregular nodule of the glomus coccy…
91188 The visceral surface of the spleen posterior view
91189 Transverse section of the spleen, showing the trab…
91190 Transverse section of the human spleen, show the d…
91191 Transverse section of a portion of the spleen
91192 Section of the spleen, showing the termination of …
Chapter 12 – Surface Anatomy and Surface Markings      Return to Top of Page
91193 Head lateral view showing the surface relations of…
91194 Head and neck anterolateral view
91195 Neck anterior view, head back
91196 Diagrammatic section of the scalp
91197 Drawing of a cast by Cunningham to illustrate the …
91198 Relations of the brain and middle meningeal artery…
91199 Outline of the bones of the face showing the posit…
91200 Outline of the side of the face showing chief surf…
91201 The mouth cavity anterior view
91202 The mouth cavity and superficial dissection of the…
91203 Nasal part of pharynx as seen with the laryngoscop…
91204 Laryngoschopic view of interior of larynx
91205 Eye and eyelid showing medial canthus anterior vie…
91206 The interior of the posterior half of the left eye…
91207 The auricula or pinna lateral view
91208 The right tympanic membrane as seen through a spec…
91209 Left temporal bone showing the surface markings of…
91210 Neck lateral view showing the chief surface markin…
91211 Surface anatomy of the back posterior view
91212 Diagram showing the relation of the medulla spinal…
91213 Sagittal section of the vertebral canal to show th…
91214 Scheme showing the relations of the regions of att…
91215 The left side of the thorax surface anatomy latera…
91216 The thorax, showing surface relations of bones, an…
91217 The thorax, showing surface relations of bones, an…
91218 Diagram showing the relations of opened heart to f…
91219 Surface anatomy of the thorax and abdomen anterior…
91220 Surface outlines of the thorax and abdomen anterio…
91221 The stomach with patient in an erect posture anter…
91222 The stomach with patient lying down anterior view
91223 Abdomen showing surface markings for liver, stomac…
91224 Topography of thoracic and abdominal viscera anter…
91225 Abdomen showing surface markings for duodenum, pan…
91226 Lumbar region, showing surface markings for kidney…
91227 Abdomen showing surface markings for arteries and …
91228 Median sagittal section of the male pelvis
91229 External genital organs of a female inferior view
91230 Median sagittal section of the female pelvis
91231 Arm and forearm surface anatomy anterior view
91232 Arm and forearm surface anatomy posterior view
91233 The mucous sheaths of the tendons of the wrist and…
91234 The mucous sheaths of the tendons of the wrist dor…
91235 Arm and forearm showing surface markings for the b…
91236 Arm and forearm showing surface markings for the b…
91237 Palmar view of left hand showing position of skin …
91238 Right male thigh surface anatomy antero-medial vie…
91239 Left male thigh surface anatomy posterior view
91240 Right thigh surface anatomy lateral view
91241 The mucous sheaths of the tendons around the ankle…
91242 The mucous sheaths of the tendons around the ankle…
91243 Nelaton’s line and Bryant’s triangle
91244 Left gluteal region, showing surface markings for …
91245 Right thigh surface anatomy, showing surface marki…
91246 Right leg, showing surface markings for bones, ant…
91247 Left thigh and leg, showign surface markings for b…

Additional Images      Return to Top of Page
001 Cell diagram
002 Mitosis
003 Simple pavement epithelium
004 Columnar epithelial cells
005 Columnar epithelial cells
006 Goblet cells
007 Liver cells
008 Cilliated epithelium
009 Ciliated cell
010 Stratified squamous epithelium
011 Epidermis thick skin
012 Transitional epithelium
013 Areolar tissue
014 Areolar tissue
015 Adipose tissue
016 Development of fat
017 White fibers
018 Tendon longitudinal section
019 Tendon transverse section
020 Ligamentum nuchae longitudinal and transverse
021 Retiform and lymphoid tissue
022 Mucoid tissue
023 Pigmented connective tissue
024 Chondrocytes
025 Ossifying bone
026 Costocartilage
027 White fibrocartilage (intervertebral disc)
028 Yellow or elastic fibrocartilage (ear)
029 Compact bone transverse section
030 Compact bone longitudinal section
031 Compact bone avulsion
032 Compact bone transverse section 2
033 Intramembranous ossification
034 Bone formation & ossification
035 Ossification (highly magnified)
036 Bone marrow (highly magnified)
037 Human red blood cells
038 White blood cell types
039 Platelets and red blood cells
040 Skeletal muscle transverse section
041 Skeletal muscle longitudinal section
042 Skeletal muscle magnified
043 Sarcomere
044 Smooth muscle cells
045 Heart muscle fibers
046 Cardiac muscle cells
047 Purkinje’s fibers
048 Neuroglial cells
049 Nerve cell varieties
050 Motor neuron
051 Pyramidal and Purkinje cells
053 Neuron neurofibrils
054 Medullated nerve fibers
055 Medullated nerve fibers longitudinal
056 Medullated nerve fibers tranverse section
057 Medullated nerve fibers
90064 Embryo third week differentiation of primitive seg…
90065 Embryological development of notochord to vertebra…
90066 Intervertebral fibrocartilage and adjacent structu…
90067 Vertebrae growth projections cervical, thoracic, l…
90068 Cephalic end of notochord sagittal section
90069 Cartilagenous cranium diagrams
90070 Early stage skull formation inferior view
90071 Early stage skull formation left lateral view
90072 Highly magnified bone marrow
90073 Compact tissue bone transverse section
90074 Section parallel to the surface from the body of t…
90075 Parietal bone perforating fibers
90076 Nucelated bone cells and their processes
90077 Fibula decalcified X 250 transverse section
90078 Growing parietal bone of a fetal cat
90079 Section of a fetal bone of a cat
90080 Developing femur of a rabbit longitudinal section
90081 Osteoblast and osteoclasts on trabecula of lower j…
90082 Thoracic vertebrae superior view
90083 Lumbar vertebrae sagittal section
90084 Cervical vertebrae superior view
90085 Cervical vertebra lateral view
90086 First cervical vertebra, atlas, C1 superior view
90087 Second cervical vertebra, axis, C2 superior view
90088 Second cervical vertebra, axis, C2 lateral view
90089 Seventh cervical vertebra superior view
90090 Thoracic vertebrae lateral view
90091 Peculiar thoracic vertebrae, T1, T9, T10, T11, T12…
90092 Lumbar vertebra lateral view
90093 Lumbar vertebra dorsosuperior view
90094 Fifth lumbar vertebra superior view
90095 Sacrum, pelvic surface
90096 Sacrum, dorsal surface
90097 Lateral surfaces of sacrum and coccyx lateral view
90098 Base of sacrum frontal view
90099 Sacrum median sagittal section
90100 Anterior and posterior surface of the coccyx
90101 Ossification projections for a vertebra three prim…
90102 Ossification projections for a vertebra three seco…
90103 Ossification projections for a vertebra two additi…
90104 Ossification projections for atlas superior view
90105 Ossification projections for axis superior view
90106 Ossification projections for lumbar vertebrae supe…
90107 Additional centers for costal elements at birth fr…
90108 Additional centers for costal elements at four yea…
90109 Ossification of the sacrum frontal view
90110 Base of young sacrum superior view
90111 Vertebral column lateral view
90112 Thorax, rib cage frontal view
90113 Thorax, rib cage dorsal view
90114 Thorax, rib cage right lateral view
90115 Sternum and costal cartilage anterior view
90116 Sternum posterior view
90117 Lateral boarder of sternum lateral view
90118 Ossification of the sternum and ribs frontal view
90119 Time of union within sternum frontal view
90120 Ossification of sternum particularities frontal vi…
90121 Sternum arrest of ossification in lateral pieces p…
90122 Central left rib inferior view
90123 Central left rib dorsal view
90124 First rib with muscle attachments medial view
90125 Second rib with muscle attachments medial view
90126 Tenth rib lateral view
90127 Eleventh rib lateral view
90128 Twelfth rib lateral view
90129 Occipital bone muscle attachments outer surface
90130 Occipital bone inner surface
90131 Occipital bone at birth
90132 Left parietal bone with muscle attachments outter …
90133 Left parietal bone inner surface
90134 Frontal bone with muscle attachments outer surface
90135 Frontal bone inner surface
90136 Frontal bone at birth
90137 Left temporal bone with muscle attachments outer s…
90138 Left temporal bone inner surface
90139 Right temporal bone coronal section
90140 Right internal acoustic meatus fundus lateral view
90141 Left temporal bone and muscle attachments inferior…
90142 Three principle parts of the temporal bone at birt…
90143 Temporal bone at birth outer surface
90144 Temporal bone at birth inner surface
90145 Sphenoid bone upper surface
90146 Sphenoid bone anterior and inferior surface with m…
90147 Sphenoid bone upper and posterior surfaces
90148 Sphenoid bone at birth, posterior view
90149 Ethmoid bone superior view
90150 Perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone
90151 Ethmoid bone dorsal view
90152 Ethmoid bone right side
90153 Lateral wall of nasal cavity showing placement of …
90154 Articulation of nasal and lacrimal bones with maxi…
90155 Right nasal bone outer surface
90156 Right nasal bone inner surface
90157 Left maxilla outer surface with muscle attachement…
90158 Left maxilla nasal surface
90159 Left maxilla sinus opened from exterior
90160 Bony palate and alveolar arch
90161 Maxilla at birth anterior surface
90162 Maxilla at birth inferior surface
90163 Left lacrimal bone orbital surface enlarged
90164 Left zygomatic bone in skull
90165 Left zygomatic bone malar surface with muscle atta…
90166 Left zygomatic bone temporal surface with muscle a…
90167 Articulation of left palatine bone with maxilla
90168 Left palatine bone nasal aspect enlarged
90169 Left palatine bone posterior view enlarged
90170 Lateral wall of right nasal cavity showing inferio…
90171 Right inferior nasal concha medial view
90172 Right inferior nasal concha lateral view
90173 Medial wall of left nasal cavity showing vomer in …
90174 The vomer
90175 Infant vomer
90176 Mandible outer surface lateral view with muscle at…
90177 Mandible inner surface medial view with muscle att…
90178 Mandible of human embryo outer surface (from model…
90179 Mandible of human embryo inner surface (from model…
90180 Mandible of human embryo outer surface, nuclei of …
90181 Mandible of human embryo inner surface, nuclei of …
90182 Mandible at birth lateral view
90183 Mandible during childhood lateral view
90184 Mandible in adult lateral view
90185 Mandible in old age lateral view
90186 Hyoid bone anterior view with muscle attachments
90187 Base of the skull inferior view with muscle attach…
90188 Lateral view of skull
90189 Left infratemporal fossa
90190 Skull frontal view
90191 Horizontal section of nasal and orbital cavities
90192 Medial wall of left orbit
90193 Base of skull upper surface
90194 Sagittal section of the skull
90195 Medial wall of left nasal fossa
90196 Roof, floor, and lateral wall of left nasal cavity
90197 Skull at birth, showing frontal and occipital font…
90198 Skull at birth, showing sphenoidal and mastoid fon…
90199 The premaxilla and its sutures
90200 Left clavicle superior surface with muscle attachm…
90201 Left clavicle inferior surface with muscle attachm…
90202 Left scapula costal surface with muscle attachment…
90203 Left scapula dorsal surface with muscle attachment…
90204 Posterior view of the thorax and shoulder gridle
90205 Left scapula lateral view
90206 Plan of ossification of the scapula from seven cen…
90207 Left humerus anterior view with muscle attachments
90208 Left humerus posterior view with muscle attachment…
90209 Longitudinal section of head of left humerus
90210 Plan of ossification of the humerus
90211 Epiphysial lines of humerus in a young adult. Ante…
90212 Upper extremity of left ulna lateral view
90213 Bones of the left forearm anterior view
90214 Bones of the left forearm posterior view
90215 Plan of ossification of the ulna from the three ce…
90216 Epiphyseal lines of ulna in a young adult lateral …
90217 Plan of ossification of the radius. From the three…
90218 Epiphyseal lines of radius in a young adult. Anter…
90219 Bones of the left hand with muscle attachments pal…
90220 Bones of the left hand with muscle attachments dor…
90221 Left navicular bone
90222 Left lunate bone
90223 Left triquitrum bone
90224 Left pisiform bone
90225 Left trapezium bone
90226 Left trapezoid bone
90227 Left capitate bone
90228 Left hamate bone
90229 First metacarpal bone lateral view
90230 Second metacarpal bone lateral view
90231 Third metacarpal bone lateral view
90232 Fourth metacarpal bone lateral view
90233 Fifth metacarpal bone lateral view
90234 Plan of ossification of the hand
90235 Right hip bone with muscle attachments lateral vie…
90236 Right hip bone with muscle attachments medial view
90237 Plan of ossification of the hip bone lateral view
90238 Diameters of superior aperture of lesser pelvis of…
90239 Diameters of inferior aperture of lesser pelvis of…
90240 Median sagittal section of pelvis
90241 Male pelvis anterior view
90242 Female pelvis anterior view
90243 Head of right femur superioposterior view
90244 Right femur with muscle attachments anterior view
90245 Right femur with muscle attachments posterior view
90246 Lower extremity of right femur showing medial and …
90247 Frontal longitudinal midsection of femur head and …
90248 Diagram of stress lines in the upper head and neck…
90249 Frontal longitudinal midsection of femur lateral v…
90250 Diagram of the computed lines of maximum stress in…
90251 Intensity of the maximum tensile and compressive s…
90252 Plan of ossification for the femur from five cente…
90253 Epiphyseal lines of femur in young adult anterior …
90254 Epiphyseal lines of femur in young adult posterior…
90255 Right patella with muscle attachments anterior vie…
90256 Right patella with muscle attachments posterior vi…
90257 Upper surface of right tibia, lateral and medial c…
90258 Right tibia and fibula with muscle attachments ant…
90259 Right tibia and fibula with muscle attachments pos…
90260 Plan of ossification for the tibia from three cent…
90261 Epiphyseal lines of tibia and fibula in young adul…
90262 Lower extremity of right fibula medial view
90263 Plan of ossification for the fibula from three cen…
90264 Left calcaneus superior view
90265 Left calcaneus inferior view
90266 Left calcaneus lateral view
90267 Left calcaneus medial view
90268 Bones of right foot with muscle attachments dorsal…
90269 Bones of right foot with muscle attachments planta…
90270 Left talus superior view
90271 Left talus inferior view
90272 Left talus medial view
90273 Left talus lateral view
90274 Left cuboid anteromedial view
90275 Left cuboid posterolateral view
90276 Left navicular anterolateral view
90277 Left navicular posteromedial view
90278 Left first, medial cuneiform anteromedial view
90279 Left first, medial cuneiform posterolateral view
90280 Left second, intermediate cuneiform anteromedial v…
90281 Left second, intermediate cuneiform posteromedial …
90282 Left third, lateral cuneiform posteromedial view
90283 Left third, lateral cuneiform anterolateral view
90284 First metatarsal medial and lateral views
90285 Second metatarsal medial and lateral views
90286 Third metatarsal medial and lateral views
90287 Fourth metatarsal medial and lateral views
90288 Fifth metatarsal medial and lateral views
90289 Plan of ossification for the foot
90290 Skeleton of foot medial view
90291 Skeleton of foot lateral view
90292 Human cartilage cells from cricoid cartilage
90293 Vertical section of articular cartilage showing la…
90294 Costal cartilage highly magnified
90295 White fibrocartilage from an intervertebral fibroc…
90296 Section across the sagittal suture
90297 Section through occipitosphenoid synchrondrosis of…
90298 Diagrammatic section of a symphysis
90299 Diagrammatic section of a diarthrodial joint
90300 Diagrammatic section of a diarthrodial joint with …
90301 Medial sagittal section of lumbar vertebrae and li…
90302 Posterior longitudinal ligament in the thoracic re…
90303 Vertebral arches of the three thoracic vertebrae a…
90304 Anterior alantooccipital membrane and atlantoaxial…
90305 Posterior alantoocipital membrane and atlantoaxial…
90306 Articulation between odontoid process and atlas su…
90307 Membrana tectoria, transverse, and alar ligaments
90308 Median sagittal section through the occipital bone…
90309 Articulation of the mandible, temporalmandibular j…
90310 Articulation of the mandible, temporalmandibular j…
90311 Sagittal section of mandible articulation, tempora…
90312 Costovertebral articulation anterior view
90313 Costotransvere articulation superior view
90314 Sagittal section of the costotransverse joints fro…
90315 Sternocostal and interchondral articulations anter…
90316 Lateral view of first and seventh ribs in position…
90317 Diagram showing the axes of movement (A,B and C, D…
90318 Diagram showing the axes of movement A, B, of a ve…
90319 Articulations of pelvis and ligaments anterior vie…
90320 Articulations of pelvis and ligaments posterior vi…
90321 Pubic symphysis exposed by a coronal section
90322 Coronal section of anterior sacral segment
90323 Coronal section of middle sacral segment
90324 Coronal section of posterior sacral segment
90325 Sternoclavicular joint anterior view
90326 Left shoulder and acromioclavicular joints and lig…
90327 Shoulder joint capsule anterior view
90328 Right gelnoid fossa anterior view
90329 Left elbow joint with anterior and ulnar collatera…
90330 Left elbow joint with posterior and radial collate…
90331 Elbow joint capsule anterior view
90332 Elbow joint capsule posterior view
90333 Annular ligament superior view
90334 Wrist ligaments anterior view
90335 Wrist ligaments posterior view
90336 Vertical section through the wrist showing ligamen…
90337 Metacarpophalangeal joints dorsal view
90338 Metacarpophalangeal joints medial or ulnar view
90339 Right hip joint anterior view
90340 Hip joint posterior view
90341 Left hip joint, opened by removing the floor of th…
90342 Hip joint removed from capsule to show ligament an…
90343 Hip joint capsule posterior view
90344 Transverse section of right hip joint showing musc…
90345 Knee joint anterior view with ligaments
90346 Right knee joint posterior view with ligaments
90347 Right knee joint anterior view with ligaments pate…
90348 Left knee joint showing ligaments posterior view
90349 Head of right tibia superior view showing menisci …
90350 Sagittal section of right knee joint
90351 Right knee joint capsule lateral view
90352 Right knee joint capsule posterior view
90353 Right patella posterior view
90354 Ankle and foot ligaments medial view
90355 Ankle and foot ligaments lateral view
90356 Ankle joint capsule lateral view
90357 Coronal section through right talocrural and taloc…
90358 Sole of the foot muscles/ligaments plantar view
90359 Talocalcaneal and talocalcaneonavicular superior v…
90360 Oblique section of left intertarsals and tarsometa…
90361 Muscle pull on metatarsals
90362 Muscle pull on phalangies
90363 Muscle pull on distal phalangies
90364 Muscle force graph
90365 Muscle fiber direction diagram a) fusiform, b) uni…
90366 Muscle force graph 2
90367 Muscle force graph 3
90368 Muscle force graph 4
90369 Muscle force graph 5
90370 Muscle force graph 6
90371 Muscle force graph 7
90372 Muscle force and levers
90373 Transverse section of human striped muscle fibers …
90374 Striped muscle fibers from the tongue of a cat at …
90375 a) Magnified human muscular fibers, b) magnified b…
90376 A diagram of a sarcomere a) moderately extended, b…
90377 Highly magnified subcutaneous tissue from a rabbit
90378 Muscles of the head, neck, and face lateral view
90379 Left orbicularis oculi posterior view
90380 Pharynx and cheek muscles lateral view
90381 Arrangement of orbicularis oris muscle fibers ante…
90382 Temporalis muscle lateral view
90383 Lateral and medial pterygoid muscles lateral view
90384 Transverse section of the neck at the level of C6 …
90385 Neck muscles lateral view
90386 Neck muscles anterior view
90387 Deep neck muscles anterior view
90388 Transverse section of the posterior abdominal wall…
90389 Deep muscles of the back posterior view
90390 Posterior surface of sternum and costal cartilage …
90391 Diaphragm inferior view
90392 External Oblique muscle lateral view
90393 The subcutaneous inguinal ring
90394 The inguinal and lacunar ligaments of the hip
90395 Internal Oblique muscle lateral view
90396 The cremaster muscle anterior view
90397 Abdominal muscles, transverse abdominis, rectus ab…
90398 Interfoveolar ligament anterior view
90399 Diagram of transverse section of rectus abdominis …
90400 Diagram of transverse section of rectus abdominis …
90401 The abdominal inguinal ring anterior view
90402 Coronal section of the pelvis, arrangement of fasc…
90403 Diagrammatic median sagittal section of the male p…
90404 Left levator ani internal view
90405 Perineum, the integument and superficial layer of …
90406 Muscles of the male perineum inferior view
90407 Coronal section of the anterior part of the pelvis…
90408 Muscles of the female perineum inferior view
90409 Muscles connecting the upper extremity to the vert…
90410 Left superficial muscles of the chest and anterior…
90411 Left deep muscles of the chest and anterior arm an…
90412 Muscles of the forarm and scapula posterior view
90413 Transverse section through the middle of the upper…
90414 Superficial muscles of the forearm anterior view
90415 Deep muscles of the forearm anterior view
90416 Muscle of web of hand lateral view first dorsal in…
90417 Transverse section through the middle of the forea…
90418 Superficial muscles of the forearm posterior view
90419 Deep muscles of the forearm posterior view
90420 The supinator muscle
90421 Transverse section across the distal ends of the r…
90422 Transverse section across the wrist and digits sho…
90423 The mucous sheaths of the tendons of the wrist and…
90424 The mucous sheaths of the tendons of the wrist pos…
90425 Palmar aponeurosis
90426 Thenar muscles palmar view
90427 Left hand muscles palmar view
90428 Left hand dorsal interossei muscles
90429 Left hand interossei volares muscles
90430 Superficial muscles of the illiac and femoral regi…
90431 The fossa ovalis
90432 Transverse section through the middle of the thigh…
90433 Deep muscles of the medial femoral region anterior…
90434 Deep muscles of the posterior thigh
90435 The obturator membrane
90436 The obturator externus muscle
90437 Anterior leg muscles
90438 Superficial posterior leg muscles
90439 Deep posterior leg muscles
90440 Transverse section through the middle of the leg s…
90441 The mucous sheaths of the ankle tendons lateral vi…
90442 The mucous sheaths of the ankle tendons medial vie…
90443 Superficial plantar muscles of the foot
90444 Middle layer plantar muscles of the foot
90445 Deep muscles plantar of the foot
90446 Left foot interossei dorsal muscles
90447 Left foot interossei plantar muscles