The phalanges of the foot correspond in number and general arrangement with those of the hand; there are two in the great toe, and three in each of the other toes. They are, however, much smaller, and their bodies, especially those of the bones of the first row, are compressed from side to side.
The proximal phalanges closely resemble those of the hand. The shaft of each is com. pressed from side to side, convex above, concave below. The base is concave for articulation with the bead of the corresponding metatarsal bone, and the head possesses a trochlear surface for articulation with the middle phalanx.
The middle phalanges are remarkably small and short, but rather broader than the proximal phalanges.
The distal phalanges resemble those of the fingers; but they are smaller, and are flattened from above downwards ; each presents a. broad base for articulation with the corresponding middle phalanx, and an expanded distal extremity for the support of the nail and the end of the toe. Each bears a roughened tuberosity on the plantar aspect of its distal end.

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