Strength, Stabilize & Stretch
for Resilience and Functional Capacity
ROM & Stretches for improved Resilience
TIPs: It is crucial to ask clients/patients to demonstrate the movements they are performing.
Demonstrating the movements will ensure proper technique and injury avoidance (during the initial visit and on follow up evaluations).
- KIS – Keep it simple. Show client/patients how to do it, have them demonstrate it and give handouts with pictures to use at home.
- Keep it short. Time is precious, so keep the home routine to under 15 minutes.
- Keep it relatively pain-free. The patient should not work in very painful areas; the amount of stretch, weight and reps should be started at below what the practitioner believes the patient’s ability is and progress slowly
- Less is more. You are better off to perform few reps at a lighter weight with good technique to help correct imbalances, weakness and prevent future injury (most people start too hard, too fast and actually delay the gains they would make following the prescribed exercise regime)
Stretches should be held for 15-30+ seconds and performed after a mild warm up (after activity or 5 minute walk or jumping on place). Long held stretches prior to physical activity actually increases the risk of injury! You are far better off to perform a range of motion warm-up prior and stretch following activity.
Strength & Stabilize for improved Resilience
- KIS – Keep it simple. Show patients how to do it, have them demonstrate it and give handouts with pictures to use at home.
- Keep it short. Time is precious, so keep the home routine to under 15 minutes.
- Keep it pain-free. The patient should not work in painful areas; the amount of stretch, weight and reps should be started at below what the practitioner believes the patient’s ability is and progress slowly
- Less is more. You are better off to perform few reps at a lighter weight with good technique to help correct imbalances, weakness and prevent future injury (most people start too hard, too fast and actually delay the gains they would make following the prescribed exercise regime)
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