Presentations & Productivity Online Course

Presentations & Productivity

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Presentations & Productivity, Part 1: Foundations for Learning

Length: 30 minutesComplexity: Standard

Many students and professionals, even those who are experts in their field, struggle with one necessary skill in the business world. What is it? Public speaking. How do you give a really great presentation? One that people will not only understand and learn from, but will actually enjoy hearing? I'm here to tell you that [...]

Presentations & Productivity, Part 2: Powerful PowerPoint Presentations & Slides

Complexity: Standard

PowerPoint Presentations are an incredible tool that have only become available in our lifetimes; in fact, I’m sure a lot of us remember having a projector used to display information on the wall or a white screen during a presentation when we were younger. Fun times, right? We are so lucky to have this tool, […]

Presentations & Productivity, Part 3: Learning and Productivity Strategies

Length: 30 minutesComplexity: Standard

For decades, scientists have been studying human productivity and learning to find out what makes some people more productive than others. What environmental factors matter? What ones don’t? Are certain states of mind more ideal for information retention? Let’s go over some of the things we’ve learned about learning and productivity that might surprise you, […]