Instant Solutions for Institutions

Join the leading colleges across the planet who are powered by Prohealthsys


  • 24/7 access from anywhere with an internet connection
  • Library of videos organized by body region
  • Each student and instructor gets their own personal account
  • Printable forms, quizzes, and study resources
  • Test generator to generate test questions by topic
  • Muscle tables (including online and printable versions)
  • Plus much more…

You already know and love the Muscle Manual Textbook, Orthopedic Conditions, and other Prohealthsys Textbooks. But did you know we have a library of video resources to upgrade your students’ learning experience?

Test drive our resources with a FREE 10 day trial. You’ll get instant access to the leading-edge resources in proCentralâ„¢. When you decide that you would like to use proCentral with your students, we offer 2 approaches:


Why proCentral is perfect for your institution

Overview of proCentral for instructors and students