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Range of Motion

  1. Flexion 80-90°
  2. Extension 70-90°
  3. Ulnar Flexion 30-45°
  4. Radial Flexion 15°
  5. Supination 85°-90°
  6. Pronation 85°-90°
  7. Fingers
    1. Flexion (2-5 MCP) 90°
    2. Extension (MP) 40°
    3. Abduction 20°
    4. Adduction 20°
  8. PIP joint
    1. Flexion 100°
    2. Extension 0°
  9. DIP joint
    1. Flexion 80°
    2. Extension 10°
  10. Elbow, Wrist & Hand – Range of Motion


  1. Introduction
  2. Carpals
  3. Medial epicondyle
  4. Ulnar groove
  5. Wrist flexors
  6. Pronator teres
  7. Lateral epicondyle
  8. Wrist extensors
  9. Thumb extensors
  10. Interossei
  11. Thenar/hypothenar pad
  12. Carpal tunnel
  13. Tunnel of Guyon (ulnar)
  14. Anatomic snuff box
  15. Metacarpals 1-5
  16. Thumb (#1)
  17. Finger (#2-5)
  18. Scaphoid
  19. Lunate, Triquetrum
  20. Pisiform
  21. Dorsal (Lister’s) tubercle and Ulnar/Radial Styloids
  22. Trapezium, Trapezoid
  23. Capitate
  24. Hamate (hook)
  25. Ulnar/radial styloids
  26. Triangular fibrocartilage
  27. Collateral ligaments
  28. Metacarpals and Phalanges

Read Muscle Manual – Forearm Wrist Hand

Range of Motion

  1. Active range of motion (thoracic)
  2. Flexion 20-45° (Adam’s sign for scoliosis)
  3. Extension 25-45°
  4. Lateral flexion 20-40°
  5. Rotation 35-50°
  6. Thoracic & Torso – Range of Motion


  1. SPs & TPs T1-L5
  2. Rib Palpation
  3. Erector spinae
  4. Upper and Lower ribs
  5. Trapezius
  6. Rhomboids
  7. Latissimus dorsi
  8. Quadratus lumborum
  9. Sternum
  10. Supraclavicular fossa
  11. Axilla (anterior & posterior)
  12. Lymph nodes
  13. Pectoralis major/minor
  14. Sternoclavicular joint
  15. Sternocostal joints
  16. Abdominal muscles
  17. Diaphragm
  18. Abdominal viscera
  19. Abdominal aorta
  20. Ilium & sacrum
  21. Abdomen
  22. Transversospinalis
  23. Scapulae

Read Muscle Manual – Thoracic Torso

Range of Motion

  1. Flexion 40-60°
  2. Extension 20-35°
  3. Lateral Flexion 15-20°
  4. Rotation 3-18°
  5. SI – Flexion/Extension 0-10°
  6. SI – Int./external rotation 0-10°
  7. Lumbar & Pelvis – Range of Motion


  1. SPs & TPs T1-L5
  2. Erector spinae
  3. Upper ribs
  4. Lower ribs
  5. Scapulae
  6. Trapezius
  7. Rhomboids
  8. Latissimus dorsi
  9. Quadratus lumborum
  10. Sternum / clavicle
  11. Axilla (anterior & posterior)
  12. Lymph nodes
  13. Sternoclavicular joint
  14. Sternocostal joints
  15. Abdominal muscles
  16. Diaphragm
  17. Abdominal viscera
  18. Abdominal aorta
  19. Ilium & sacrum
  20. Sacrotuberous & Sacrospinous ligament
  21. SI joint
  22. Abdomen
  23. Lumbar Spine & Sacrum

Read Muscle Manual – Lumbar Pelvis

Range of Motion

  1. Flexion 130°-150°
  2. Extension 0-15°
  3. Medial rotation* 20-30°
  4. Lateral rotation* 30-40°

*knee must be flexed 90º to allow rotation


  1. TFL/ Iliotibial band (ITB)
  2. Ischial tuberosity
  3. L-spine/sacrum
  4. Gluteus max./med.
  5. Hamstrings
  6. Popliteal fossa
  7. Gastrocnemius heads
  8. Adductor muscles
  9. Quadriceps
  10. Patella (facets, bursa)
  11. Patellar ligament
  12. Tibial tuberosity
  13. Pes anserine
  14. Medial/Lateral Collateral Ligament
  15. Med./lat. femoral condyle
  16. Medial/Lateral Knee Joint/Meniscus
  17. Fibular head & neck
  18. Joint Line

Read Muscle Manual – Knee Ankle Foot

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