Clinical Chiropractic 4th Edition

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Clinical Chiropractic WebBook

Evidence Informed Clinical Chiropractic WebBook is the best guide available for students, instructors and clinicians - written for Chiropractors by Chiropractors! With 1184 full-color pages, you are learning from the best, with centuries of combined real-world experiences and evidence-based content. Use the Clinical Chiropractic WebBook in the classroom and clinic for patient education — accessible from your computer or mobile device 24/7!

Clinical Chiropractic is the gold standard resource that identifies key postulates and applications, and provides an overview of current research findings and practical implications for chiropractors — incorporating current scientific findings and methods in clinical practice.

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Evidence Informed Clinical Chiropractic is the best guide available for students, instructors and clinicians – written for Chiropractors by Chiropractors! With 1184 full-colour pages, you are learning from the best, with centuries of combined real-world experiences and evidence-based content.

Use the Clinical Chiropractic textbook in the classroom and clinic for patient education. Clinical Chiropractic is the gold standard resource that identifies key postulates and applications, and provides an overview of current research findings and practical implications for chiropractors — incorporating current scientific findings and methods in clinical practice.


Evidence Informed Clinical Chiropractic is the best guide available for students, instructors and clinicians – written for Chiropractors by Chiropractors! With 1184 full-colour pages, you are learning from the best, with centuries of combined real-world experiences and evidence-based content.t.

Clinical Chiropractic is a gold standard resource that:

  • Identifies and describes key postulates and applications of an evidence-based framework
  • Provides an overview of current research findings and their practical implications for Chiropractors
  • Fosters a culture of evidence-based practice by incorporating new scientific findings and methods into clinical practice


This text bridges the gap between academics to advanced clinical application and critical thinking:

  • 5000+ References
  • Over 2500+ Images
  • Multi-disciplinary Peer Reviewed (DC, MD, ND, PhD, RMT)
  • Clear Presentation & Format Saves Time
  • Perfect for Board Exams, Practical Review and Practice

WITH BONUS WEBBOOK ACCESS TO: Clinical Chiropractic Webbook

Print Version ISBN: 978-1-989392-34-8
Pages: 640
Edition: 4th
Size: 7×10″

Contributing Authors:
Daniel DeLapp DC DABCO LAc ND
Grand Choi DC
Dave Starmer DC
Simon Wang DC
David Panzer DABCO DC
Andrew Vargo MD
Tom Davidson DC PhD


Students, Instructors and Practitioners ❤ Clinical Chiropractic Textbook

“Dr. Vizniak’s texts are a requisite library for chiropractic students and doctors… the most compact, complete, logical and easy-to-access resource available.”
—Dr. Thomas Souza DC, Author Differential Diagnosis and Management for the Chiropractor

“Wish I had all of these books when I was in school, classes would have been so much easier. They are great for practice and board exams.”
—Dr. John Urbanksi, DC, DC Chiropractic first

“Dr. Vizniak’s books provide what every doctor and student long for, easily accessible practical information. I purchased several for my jacket pocket or exam room while in my hospital-based clinical practice. They are not a decision; they are an answer.”
— Dr. William E. Morgan, President of Parker University, former Chiropractor to the White House and Congress, and Chiropractic Hospitalist

Chiropractic Adjusting Forces….. 26
Chiropractic Evidence………………. 2
Chiropractic Cavitation……………… 29
Chiropractic CIs…………………………. 18
Chiropractic Contacts………………… 31
Chiropractic Ethics ……………………. 12
Chiropractic Informed Consent… 16
Chiropractic Lumbar Adjustments 38
Chiropractic Practice Drills……….. 32
Chiropractic Supine Options…….. 37
Chiropractic Thoracic Adjustments 38
Chiropractic Cervical Adjustments 40

300+ Days of Healing……………….. 141

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm…….. 840
Abdominal Exam………………………. 110
AC Sprain………………………………….. 520
Accupressure…………………………….. 1100
Acetabular Labral Tear…………….. 732
Achilles Tendon & Rupture………. 826
ACL Sprain/Tear……………………….. 762
Activity in the Day………………………. 342
Activity Pyramid…………………………. 343
Advanced Wobble Board…………. 407
Affusion………………………………………. 314
Alzheimer’s………………………………… 842
Ankle & Foot Exam Form…….. 1039
Ankle & Foot Exam Form…….. 798
Ankle & Foot Kinematics……… 793
Ankle & Foot…………………………. 404
Ankle Exam Flow…………………. 796
Ankle Foot Anatomy…………….. 790
Ankle foot Case Study & Quiz…. 838
Ankle Foot Imaging……………… 808
Ankle Foot Palpation…………… 800
Ankle Foot ROM…………………… 802
Ankle Foot Special Tests…….. 807
Ankle Muscle Testing…………… 805
Ankle Rules and Evaluation.. 809
Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS)…….. 846
Assessment Level 2………………….. 1007
Assessment Level 3………………….. 1009
Assessment Proctor Form………… 1011
Assessment Proctor Form………… 1015
Athletic Taping…………………………… 1090

Barbell……………………………………….. 372
Basic Treatment Framework…….. 136
Baths………………………………………….. 294
Bell’s Palsy………………………………… 446
Benign Positional Vertigo………… 448
Bicipital Tendinopathy………………. 516
Bio Feedback…………………………….. 1117
Biography………………………………….. 1066
Biotin………………………………………….. 979
Bipolar Disorder………………………… 846
Block or Ball………………………………. 371
Blood Pressure…………………………. 102
Bo Staff………………………………………. 368
Body Ball……………………………………. 370
Body Composition…………………….. 61
Body Weight………………………………. 60, 366
Breathing Technique………………… 204
Bridge Track………………………………. 391
Brügger’s Exercise……………………. 412
Bursitis……………………………………….. 176
Business Plan……………………………. 1073

C1-C2 Instability………………………… 451
Calcific Tendinopathy……………….. 518
Calcium………………………………………. 982
Carbohydrates & Fiber……………… 962
Cardiac Auscultation…………………. 115
Carpal Instability………………………… 578
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome…………. 576
Cascade Shower………………………. 310
Cauda Equina Syndrome………… 680
Cerebral Palsy (CP)………………….. 848
Cervical Exam………………………. 424
Cervical Facet Syndrome……. 454
Cervical Imaging………………….. 439
Cervical Kinematics……………… 420
Cervical Meniscoid………………. 456
Cervical Muscle Testing………. 433
Cervical Palpation……………….. 426
Cervical Radiculopathy……….. 458
Cervical ROM……………………….. 429
Cervical Special Tests…………. 435
Cervical Spondylosis…………… 452
Cervical Sprain/Strain…………. 442
Cervicothoracic Exam………….. 1030
Chest Pain DDx…………………………. 601
Chief Concern History……………….. 51
Chondromalacia Patella…………… 772
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ……… 850
Clay Pack…………………………………… 326
Clinic Rent………………………………….. 1058
Clinic space……………………………….. 1052
Clinic Start-up Costs………………….. 1061
Clinical Guidelines…………………….. 44
Clinical Impression……………………. 130
Clinical Prediction Rules…………… 1087
Clinical Problem Solving………….. 1086
Closed Basket Weave ……………… 1093
Cluster Headache (CH)…………….. 474
Cold……………………………………………. 320
Chiropractic Communication……. 10
Compartment Syndrome………….. 816
Complete Blood Count……………… 1121
Complex Regional Pain Syn……. 852
Concussion………………………………… 460
Congenital Hip Dysplasia…………. 736
Contract-Relax (CR)………………….. 257
Chiropractic Contraindications (CIs) 19
Contrast Bath…………………………….. 306
Contusions…………………………………. 179
Core Leg Curl Track………………….. 393
Costochondritis………………………….. 616
Coxa Vara & Coxa Valga…………. 738
Cubital Tunnel Syndrome………… 572
Cupping……………………………………… 266

DASH – Disability of Arm…………… 1002
De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis……. 582
Dead Bug Track………………………… 386
Deep Tendon Reflexes…………….. 100
Deep Vein Thrombosis…………….. 823
Depression………………………………… 854
Diabetes Mellitus……………………….. 856
Diagnostic Imaging……………………. 120
Diathermy…………………………………… 1113
Diets……………………………………………. 990
Differential Diagnosis………………… 128
Discogenic Pain Syndrome……… 466
Dislocation & Subluxation………… 164
Dizziness DDx……………………………. 114
Dosing STM……………………………….. 203
Drug/Nutrient Interactions…………. 989
Dumbbell……………………………………. 373
Dyslipidemia………………………………. 858

Ear & Otoscopic Exam………………. 118
Effleurage………………………………….. 214
Elbow Anatomy Review………. 535
Elbow Exam Flow………………… 542
Elbow Exam Form……………….. 1034
Elbow Kinematics………………… 538
Elbow Osteochondritis Dis…… 570
Elbow Rapid DDx…………………. 543
Elbow ROM…………………………… 548
Elbow Sprain (UCL)…………….. 574
Elbow Stretch & Strength……. 398
Elbow Case Study & Quiz……. 594
Electrotherapy…………………………… 1104
Epsom Salt Bath……………………….. 297
Essential Fatty Acids…………………. 967
Eversion Sprain………………………… 812
Evidence for Chiropractic…………. 9
Evidence Chiropractic Mechanisms 14
Exercise Nutrition………………………. 352
Exercise Prescription Pad………… 408
Exercise Prescription………………… 359
Exercises……………………………………. 341
Eye & Ophthalmic Exam…………… 116

Fat Loss……………………………………… 956
Fats (Lipids)……………………………….. 966
Fibromyalgia……………………………… 860
Figueroa Semi-Stirrup……………… 1097
Flexibility Assessment……………….. 86
Foam Roller……………………………….. 369
Fomentation………………………………. 299
Foot & Toe Anomalies………………. 794
Foot Pain Referral Patterns……… 799
Forearm & Hand Bones……………. 532
Forearm Muscles………………………. 536
Forearm, Wrist & Hand DDx……… 545
Fracture……………………………………… 170
Frictions……………………………………… 232
Frozen Shoulder……………………….. 522

Gait Cycle…………………………………… 72
Gait Types………………………………….. 71
Game Keeper’s Thumb…………….. 584
Ganglion Cyst…………………………….. 592
Gastroc Strain (Tennis Leg)……… 820
Genu Varum/Valgum/Recur…….. 774
GH Instability………………………………. 524
Glenohumeral Arthritis……………… 528
Glenoid Labral Tear………………….. 526
Glossary……………………………………… 1120
Goniometry………………………………… 88, 552
Gout……………………………………………. 864
Grades of Mobilization………………. 91
Grip Strength & Anatomy………….. 534
Groin Strain……………………………….. 710
Growth & Performance……………… 354
GTO Release……………………………… 246

Hamstring Strain……………………….. 712
Head and neck Case Study & Quiz 486
Headache DDx………………………….. 469
Heat Mechanisms & Type…………. 285
Heat……………………………………………. 288
Heating Compress…………………….. 308
Heel & Lace Pad Elimination…… 1096
Heel Lock…………………………………… 1094
Herbal Bath Additives……………….. 296
High Volt Galvanism………………….. 1110
Hip & Thigh Exam Form………. 1037
Hip Avascular Necrosis (AVN) 718
Hip Bone & Ligament Review 689
Hip Bursitis……………………………. 714
Hip Diagnostic Imaging……….. 706
Hip Exam Flow……………………… 694
Hip Kinesiology……………………. 692
Hip Muscle Testing………………. 701
Hip Muscles………………………….. 690
Hip Osteoarthritis………………….. 716
Hip ROM……………………………….. 697
Hip Special Tests…………………. 703
Hip Stretch……………………………. 401
History Considerations……………… 50
History: Family & Personal……….. 53
History: Past Health…………………… 52
Hormones………………………………….. 1158
Hot & Cold Contraindications…… 277
Hot and Cold Shower……………….. 287
Hot and Cold……………………………… 278
Hot Compress……………………………. 311
Hot Foot Bath…………………………….. 298
Hot or Cold Stone Massage……… 312
Hydro Case Study and Quiz……… 340
Hydrocollator Packs………………….. 292
Hydrotherapy History………………… 274
Hydrotherapy Principles…………… 275
Hydrotherapy Terminology………. 286
Adjusting Forces……………………….. 22
Hypertension……………………………… 864

IASTM………………………………………… 268
Ice and Stretch…………………………… 258
Ice Massage………………………………. 321
Iliotibial Band Tendinopathy…….. 778
Impingement Syndrome…………… 514
Index…………………………………………… 1152
Indications, Precautions & CIs….. 276
Informed Consent Form…………… 996
Informed Consent…………………….. 24
Infrared Sauna (IRS)………………… 332
Infrared………………………………………. 330
Inguinal & Femoral Hernia……….. 734
Initial Scan Exam Form…………….. 1017
Initial Scan Proctor Form………….. 1012
Insurance…………………………………… 1070
Intake Questionnaires
Interferntial Current…………………… 1111
Intervertebral Disc (IVD)……………. 633
Inversion Ankle Sprain……………… 810

Joint Mobilization Proctor Form.. 1020
Joint Play Mobilizations…………….. 260
Joints of the Body………………………. 84

Keinböck’s Disease…………………… 589
Kettle Bells…………………………………. 375
Kinesio Taping………………………….. 1088
Kinesiology Taping…………………… 270
Kinesiology………………………………… 638
Kneading…………………………………… 218
Knee Bones…………………………. 742
Knee Bursitis………………………… 780
Knee Case Study & Quiz…….. 788
Knee Exam Flow………………….. 748
Knee Exam Form…………………. 1038
Knee Exam Form…………………. 749
Knee Imaging………………………. 760
Knee Kinematics………………….. 747
Knee Ligaments…………………… 743
Knee Muscles………………………. 744
Knee ROM……………………………. 752

Laser………………………………………….. 333
Lateral Epicondylitis………………….. 562
LCL Sprain/Tear……………………….. 768
Leg Length Inequality (LLI)………. 682
Leg, Ankle & Foot Rapid DDx…… 797
Legg-Calve-Perthes…………………. 720
Letters to the Editor…………………… 1083
Life-style Pyramid……………………… 987
Ligament Sprain……………………….. 160
Likelihood Ratios………………………. 1084
Low Back Case Study & Quiz…… 686
Low Dye & Tear Drop……………….. 1095
Low Freq. Alt. Current……………….. 1107
Low Volt Galvanism…………………… 1108
Lower Body Exam Form…………… 1036
Lower Extremity Function Scale. 1003
Lower Extremity Practical…………. 1023
Lumbar Bones & Ligaments.. 632
Lumbar Disc Herniation………. 668
Lumbar DJD…………………………. 666
Lumbar Facet Syndrome…….. 672
Lumbar Imaging…………………… 660
Lumbar Instability…………………. 674
Lumbar Muscle Testing……….. 651
Lumbar ROM………………………… 647
Lumbar Special Tests………….. 652
Lumbar Sprain Strain………….. 664
Lumbar Stenosis………………….. 678
Lumbopelvic Exam………………. 1031
Lumbosacral Exam Flow…….. 644
Lunate Dislocation…………………….. 588
Lung & Thorax Exam………………… 112
Lyme Disease (LD)……………………. 866
Lymphatic Drainage (LD)…………. 210

Management Plan…………………….. 132, 1028
Marketing…………………………………… 1064
MCL Sprain/Tear………………………. 766
Medial Epicondylitis………………….. 564
Medicated Steams/Sauna………… 305
Medicolegal Report…………………… 134
Health and Well Being……………… 130
Meditation………………………………….. 206
Meniscus Tear…………………………… 770
Metabolism & Energy Intake…….. 960
Metatarsal Stress Fracture……….. 832
Metatarsalgia…………………………….. 828
Methods of Heat Transfer…………. 284
Microcurrent (MENS)………………… 1112
Migraine Headache………………….. 472
Minerals……………………………………… 984
Modified Low Back OSWESTRY…. 1001
Morton’s Neuroma…………………….. 830
Motion & End Feel…………………….. 92
Motion………………………………………… 83
Motivational Interview……………….. 48
Motor Points………………………………. 1106
MSK Best Practices…………………… 131
MSK Practical Exam…………………. 1013
MTAR…………………………………………. 248
Multiple Sclerosis (MS)…………….. 868
Muscle Compressions………………. 217
Muscle Contraction……………………. 362
Muscle Gain……………………………….. 958
Muscle Spasm…………………………… 146
Muscle Strain Grading………………. 151
Muscular Dystrophy (MD)…………. 870
Myocardial Infarction…………………. 628
Myofascial Release…………………… 236
Myositis Ossificans…………………….. 722

Neck Disability Index…………………. 1000
Neck Muscles & Ligaments………. 418
Nerve Injury……………………………….. 182
Neutral Bath………………………………. 302
Neutral Pelvis Track………………….. 390
Nutrient/Nutrient Interactions……. 988
Nutrition Introduction ………………… 952
Nutrition Labels & Portion Size… 954

oHIP-MNRS Guideline……………… 44
Olecranon Bursitis…………………….. 568
Open Gibney……………………………… 1092
OSCE Practical Fun………………….. 1040
Osgood Schlatter’s……………………. 784
Osteoarthritis (OA)…………………….. 872
Osteochondritis Dessecans………. 782
Osteoporosis (OP)…………………….. 876
Chiropractic Outcome Markers…. 54

Pain Assessment………………………. 56
Pain Cycle & Happiness…………… 61
Pain Referral Patterns………………. 547
Palpation……………………………………. 80
Parafin Wax……………………………….. 328
Parkinson’s Disease (PD)………… 878
Partner Exercises……………………… 376
Patellar Dislocation…………………… 786
Patellar Strip……………………………… 1098
Patellar Tendinopathy………………. 776
Pathologic Headache……………….. 468
Patient Assessment 1………………. 1005
Patient Hx Level 1……………………… 1004
Patient Hx Level 2……………………… 1006
Patient Hx Level 3……………………… 1008
Patient Intake Form…………………… 998
Patient Interview Proctor Form…. 1010
PCL Sprain/Tear……………………….. 764
Percussive / Tapotement………….. 226
Petrissage………………………………….. 216
PHS Ranking System……………….. 1081
Picking-up …………………………………. 223
Pin & Stretch……………………………… 252
Piriformis Syndrome…………………. 708
Plantar Fasciitis…………………………. 834
PNF Stretching Techniques……… 256
Post Traumatic Stress (PTSD)…. 882
Chiropractic Arm Cross Techniques 39
Postural Syndrome…………………… 618
Posture Assessment Proctor …… 1016
Posture………………………………………. 66
Practical Exam Form…………………. 1025
Practice Management………………. 1054
Chiropractic Prone Thoracic…….. 36
Pregnancy…………………………………. 882
Prenatal & Postpartum……………… 884
Presentation Proctor Form……….. 1046
Chiropractic Prognosis……………… 129
Pronation Syndrome………………… 836
Prone Track……………………………….. 387
Protecting Your Back………………… 350
Protein……………………………………….. 964
Psoriatic Arthritis (PA)………………. 890
Psychology of Chronic Injury……. 60
Pulled Elbow……………………………… 566
Pulses………………………………………… 104

Quadriped Track……………………….. 389

Range of Motion (ROM)……………. 90
Reactive Arthritis (ReA)…………….. 892
Recommended Food Guide…….. 961
Record Keeping………………………… 124
Red & White Fibers…………………… 364
Reflexology………………………………… 1102
Rehab protocols
Relaxation & Stress Reduction… 144
Research Literacy……………………… 1078
Research Review………………………. 1080
Resistance Band……………………….. 367
Respiration Patterns…………………. 113
Chiropractic Review of Findings. 131
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)………… 894
Rhythmics (Shaking, Jostling)….. 234
Rib Subluxation…………………………. 626
Rocker & Wobble Board…………… 406
ROOD’s Technique……………………. 244
Rotator Cuff Strain…………………….. 510
Russian Bath……………………………… 303
Russian Stim……………………………… 1116

Salt Glow……………………………………. 324
Scaphoid Fracture…………………….. 586
Scapulocostal Syndrome…………. 508
Scapulohumeral Rhythm………….. 493
Scar Tissue………………………………… 184
Schizophrenia…………………………… 898
Scoliosis…………………………………….. 610
Screw Home Mechanism………….. 745
Segment Palpation ‘track tracking’ 599
Select Treatment Guidelines……. 142
Self Care……………………………………. 40
Semont’s & Epley’s…………………… 450
Sensitivity & Specificity……………… 1085
Septic Arthritis of Hip…………………. 724
Sets, Reps and Type…………………. 356
Shin Splints……………………………….. 814
Shoulder Anatomy Review…. 488
Shoulder Case Study and Quiz 530
Shoulder Exam Flow…………… 494
Shoulder Exam Form………….. 1033
Shoulder Kinematics…………… 492

Additional information

Weight 2.1 kg

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