Muscle Testing is the most functional clinical book on muscle testing available. This text bridges the gap from essential learning to practical application and critical thinking.
You will love this book’s clear, effective layout, portability, online resources, and decades of evidence-informed, multidisciplinary clinical expertise. This is a book you will use daily in both the classroom and daily practice.
The Muscle Testing gives you the opportunity to learn from the best, with centuries of combined real world experiences and evidence based content. Learn the 3 key steps for success:
- Anatomy education to create a foundation of understanding
- Assessment methods to find the true cause of the pain or injury
- Actions to consider for treatment, exercise, follow-up, and referrals. You can do it, we can help!
No book offers more content and value! This text is supported by 1,000s of student, clinician and instructor resources (videos, tests, handouts) on our website.
Print Version ISBN: 9781989392249
Edition: 1st
Pages: 420
Size: 6.5×8.5″ Spiral binding
Leanne Fairweather RMT BSc MPT
Nick Murray CAT(C)
Godwin Eni DPT PhD
Andrei Kovalevskii MD RMT
Tom Davidson DC PhD
Tara Hedrich RMT LMT
300+ Days of Healing 343
Abdominal Muscles Intro 105
Abduction/Adduction 16
Abductor Pollicis Longus 181
Action Definitions 14
Action Focus 363
Activity in the Day 344
Activity Pyramid 345
Adductor Longus & Brevis 224
Adductor Magnus 226
Adipose (fat) 34
Anatomical Orientation 3
Anconeus 178
Anconeus 178
Ankle & Foot Bones 233
Ankle ROM 241
Anterior & Lateral Muscles 57
Anterior Muscle Intro 20
Anterior Thigh Muscles 199
Arm Muscles 131
AROM Elbow 139
Axillary Nerves 275
Biceps Brachii 149
Biceps Femoris 229
Blood Vessels
Body Composition 305
Body Regions 4
Body Vessels 286
Bone Classify & Fracture 7
Bone Structure 6
Bones Hip & Thigh 192
Bones Wrist & Hand 154
Brachialis 150
Brachioradialis 174
Brügger’s Exercise 370
Cartilage Injury 386
Cartilage 11
Cervical Bones 54
Cervical Kinesiology 62
Cervical Ligas & Case Study 72
Cervical Ligaments 55
Cervical ROM 59
Chief Concern History 297
Coracobrachialis 148
Cranial Foramen & Nerves 51
Cranial Nerves 284
Deep Tendon Reflexes 332
Deltoid 140
Dermatomes 206, 269
Diaphragm 96
Dorsal Foot Muscles 257
Elbow Kinematics 138
Erector Spinae 117
Exercise Benefits 346
Exercise Nutrition 356
Exercise Prescription 365
Extensor Carpi Radialis B 176
Extensor Carpi Radialis L 175
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris 179
Extensor Digiti Minimi 178
Extensor Digitorum Longus 245
Extensor Digitorum 177
Extensor Hallucis Longus 246
Extensor Indicis 184
Extensor Pollicis Brevis 182
Extensor Pollicis Longus 183
External Abdominal Oblique 113
Fascia 32
Femoral 280
Fibularis (Peroneus) Brevis 249
Fibularis (Peroneus) Longus 248
Fibularis (Peroneus) Tertius 247
Fitness Assessment 330
Flexibility Assessment 324
Flexion/Extension 15
Flexor Carpi Radialis 167
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris 169
Flexor Digitorum Longus 255
Flexor Digitorum Profundus 171
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis 170
Flexor Hallucis Longus 256
Flexor Pollicis Longus 172
Foot Plantar – Layer 1 258
Foot Plantar – Layer 2 259
Foot Plantar – Layer 3 260
Foot Plantar – Layer 4 261
Forearm Muscles Intro 158
Fracture 388
Gait Cycle 314
Gastrocnemius 250
Gluteal Muscles 196
Gluteus Maximus 208
Gluteus Medius 209
Gluteus Minimus 210
Goniometry 326
Gracilis 225
Growth & Performance 358
Head Neck Vessels 290
Healing Factors 381
Health and Well-being 338
Hip & Pelvis Kinematics 200
Hip AROM 201
Hip Joint Ligaments 194
History Considerations 296
Hot & Cold 376
Hypothenar Muscles 187
Iliacus 216
Imaging Decision Guidelines 334
Infraspinatus 142
Injury Risks 362
Inspection: Body Mass Index 308
Inspection: Posture 310
Intercostal Muscles 94
Internal Abdominal Oblique 114
Intervertebral Disc (IVD) 110
Joint Classifications 9
Joint Mechanoreceptors 267
Joint Range of Motion 8
Knee AROM 203
Knee Joint Ligaments 195
Lateral Pterygoid 44
Latissimus Dorsi 88
Leg, Ankle & Foot Kin 240
Levator Scapulae 65
Ligament Injury & Healing 384
Ligament Injury Healing 385
Ligaments Wrist Hand 155
Ligaments 10
Limb Vessels 288
Longus Capitis & Cervicis 69
Lower Body Detailed 279
Lumbar & SI Ligaments 102
Lumbar Bones 100
Lumbar Kinematics 106
Lumbar ROM 107
Lumbopelvic Motion 111
Massage 375
Masseter 43
Medial Pterygoid 45
Medial Thigh Muscles 198
Median Nerve (C6-T1) 276
Middle & Posterior Scalene 71
Motion 323
Motor Nerves Lower Limb 278
Motor Nerves Upper Limb 272
MSK Best Practices 339
Multifidi 118
Muscle Activation 24
Muscle Fascia Introduction 19
Muscle Injury Grading 382
Muscle Injury Healing 383
Muscle of Mastication
Muscle Strength 23
Muscle Testing ABCs 28
Muscle Testing 29
Muscles of Head & Face 40
Muscles of the Eye 50
Musculocutaneous 275
Nerve Injury 392
Nerves 30
Nervous System 31
Neuroanatomy 264
Obturator Intern & Externus 213
Obturator Nerves (L2-4) 280
Other Deep Back Muscles 92
Outcome Markers 298
Pain Assessment 300
Palmaris Longus 168
Palpation 316
Palpation: Spinal Segments 322
Pathologic End Feel 329
Pectineus 223
Pectoralis Major 147
Pectoralis Minor 86
Pelvic Floor Muscles 120
Pharynx & Soft Palate 46
Piriformis 211
Plantaris 252
Popliteus 253
Posterior Muscle Intro 21
Posterior Neck Muscles 56
Posterior Thigh Muscles 197
Posterior Trunk Muscles 78
Pronator Quadratus 173
Pronator Teres 166
Protecting Your Back 354
Psoas Major & Minor 215
Psychology of Chronic Injury 304
Quadratus Femoris 214
Quadratus Lumborum 116
Radial Nerve (C5-C8) 274
Range of Motion (ROM) 328
Rectus Abdominis 112
Rectus Femoris 219
Red/White Muscle Fibers 348
References 396
Rhomboid Major & Minor 89
Rotation 17
Rotatores 119
Sartorius 218
Scalene Muscles Introduction 70
Scar Tissue 394
Sciatic Nerve (L5-S3) 282
Screw Home Mechanism 207
Self Care 378
Semimembranosus 228
Semitendinosus 227
Serratus Anterior 146
Serratus Posterior Inferior 91
Serratus Posterior Superior 90
Sets, Reps and Type 360
Shoulder & Arm Bones 126
Shoulder Elbow Ligaments 128
Shoulder Goniometry 136
Shoulder Kinematics 132
Skeleton 5
Skin 35
Skull Bones 38
Sleep 352
Sliding Filament Theory 25
Soleus 251
Special Actions 18
Splenius Capitis & Cervicis 66
Squat & Rise 123
Sternocleidomastoid (SCM) 68
Stretching 368
Subclavius 85
Suboccipital Muscles 67
Subscapularis 144
Superior & Inferior Gemellus 212
Supinator 180
Supraspinatus 141
Symp./Parasympathetic 266
Temporalis 42
Temporomandibular Joint 39
Tendon & Muscle Terms 22
Tensor Fasciae Latae 217
Teres Major 145
Teres Minor 143
The Body 2
Thenar Muscles 185
Thigh Muscle Intro
Thoracic Kinematics 80
Thoracic Ligaments 76
Tibia & Fibula 232
Tibia, Fibula & Foot Ligs 234
Tibialis Anterior 244
Tibialis Posterior 254
Tissue Healing 342
Tissue Loads 26
Tongue 48
Transversus Abdominis 115
Trapezius (mid & lower) 87
Trapezius (upper fibers) 64
Triceps Brachii 151
Trigger Point Theories 318
Trunk Bones & Ligaments 75
Trunk Bones 74
Tympanic Cavity 49
Ulnar Nerve (C7-T1) 277
Upper Body Detailed 273
Vastus Intermedius 221
Vastus Lateralis 220
Vastus Medialis 222
Waist Circumference 307
Walking Medicine 340
Workstation Ergonomics 371
Wrist & Hand Kinematics 162
Wrist AROM 163
Yoga 367