Trigger Points Poster – Upper Body
Trigger Points are small areas of spasm inside muscles. These areas get stuck in a protective mode, causing pain and stiffness. The good news is when the trigger point is located and treated, this turns off the spasm and patients get immediate pain relief.
The Trigger Points – Upper Body poster is ideal for a massage therapist’s office or other clinical setting for the purpose of locating clients’ pain areas, and for education.
Use these charts to find trigger points for the Upper Body. This 18×24″ poster includes trigger points for:
Upper Body – Anterior Body, Head, Neck, Arms
This clinical poster is clear and concise with accurate representation of both trigger points and their associated principal and spillover pain areas. Use this poster as a quick and easy reference to help locate trigger points and referred pain areas.
These charts are essential for accurately explaining how trigger points work to clients.
Size: 18×24″
Customers can purchase the Trigger Points Poster – Lower Body separately, or combine with the Upper Body in our Bundle 2-Pack.