New Textbook: Orthopedic Assessment

I’m pleased to announce a new resource available at Prohealthsys! Fresh off the press is an evidence-based, practical textbook for use in the classroom and practice — Orthopedic Assessment. “Don’t guess, Assess.” Orthopedic Assessment is a quick reference guide for students, instructors and healthcare providers. The content, illustrations and layout format are designed to be useful […]

5 Rules to Choosing The Right IASTM Instrument for You

Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) is a safe and effective technique that every practitioner should have in their repertoire. However, learning the technique and buying the correct tool for you are two different things. Buying an IASTM instrument is like buying a new car – research must be done! You have to “test drive” […]

Heat vs Cold … What the evidence suggests

Acute soft tissue injury has been managed using the acronym PRICE (Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation) for years, even though there is a lack of evidence demonstrating its efficacy. Although rest is beneficial for acute soft tissue trauma (Bring et al. 2009; Martinez et al. 2007), it should only be limited to immediately after […]