Basic Clinical Protocol Poster

SKU BCP Category

Original price was: USD $29.00.Current price is: USD $24.97.


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The Basic Clinical Protocol poster is a high level guideline for patient assessment. Patients become more comfortable when they can see what’s involved in their assessment at a glance. Practitioners can use this reference during an examination to ensure that all factors of patient assessment are covered, and answer any questions the patient may have.

Eight steps of basic clinical protocol are listed with key recommended actions.

Size: 8.333″ x 19.5″


The Basic Clinical Protocol poster is a high level guideline for patient assessment that is effective for practitioners and patients alike. Place this poster in every clinic room! Patients become more comfortable when they can see what’s involved in their assessment at a glance. Practitioners can use this reference during an examination to ensure that all factors of patient assessment are covered, and answer any questions the patient may have.

Key recommended actions are described briefly for all 8 steps of basic clinical protocol:

1 – Observe
2 – History
3 – Inspection
4 – Palpation
5 – Motion
6 – Neurovascular
7 – Referred Pain
8 – Special Tests

Format: Poster
Size: 8.333″ x 19.5″
Stock: 48lb Bond Paper

Consider this poster for every room in your clinic!

Additional information

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 21 × .5 × 49.53 cm

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