Cervical Instability Master Class

SKU CERV-INST-Online Category

USD $74.97


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Online Course Description

The Cervical Instability Master Class is your opportunity to take a deep dive into the anatomy, assessment, and actions to take for patients with cervical instability. Dr. Nikita Vizniak has gathered all the literature, research, and experience to provide you with this information-rich course! This online course covers:

  • C-Spine anatomy and patient care protocols
  • Tissue specific injuries and assessment practices
  • Patient goals and strategies for healing
  • Cervical Spine Exam Review – run through scenarios to prepare
  • 20 quiz questions
  • All the information on cervical instability you can ask for – in 1 place!


Online Course Description

The Cervical Instability Master Class is your opportunity to take a deep dive into the anatomy, assessment, and actions to take for patients with cervical instability. Dr. Nikita Vizniak has gathered all the literature, research, and experience to provide you with this information-rich course!

First, we get grounded in the scientific language of anatomy, and review some important practice and patient-care basics.

Then, we take a look at tissue specific injuries and assessment. When a patient walks into your office, how can you tell if that person has cervical instability? What are your go-to signs for instability? We start by determining if the injury is muscle, ligament, or tendon, and progress from there.

After determining and locating the injury, we look at what the goals will be for the patient. We know we have to get them moving safely as soon as possible, so we take a look at the key factors of healing to apply, and eliminate dysfunctional patterns that aren’t helping.

In this master class we also take a look at what is covered in the cervical spine exam, and how to conduct a thorough exam. Then, we consider all the appropriate treatment options for c-spine injuries and provide some key takeaways.

Complete this online course with 20 quiz questions!


Dr. Vizniak has been teaching and tutoring students to write and pass practical and standardized exams for over 20 years (premed/dental/pharm, chiro, kin, massage naturopathic, physio etc.), and understands how to give you the confidence and skill set you need to become a top tier performer. He wants to give you his study secrets for success! Want even more? Consult with him 1 on 1 or in a small group here.

Duration: approximately 3+ hours


1.      Nathan Hutting, Gwendolijne G.M. Scholten-Peeters, Veerle Vijverman, Martin D.M. Keesenberg, Arianne P. Verhagen, Diagnostic Accuracy of Upper Cervical Spine Instability Tests: A Systematic Review, Physical Therapy, Volume 93, Issue 12, 1 December 2013, Pages 1686–1695, https://doi.org/10.2522/ptj.20130186

2.      WHITE, AUGUSTUS A. MD, Dr Med Sci; SOUTHWICK, WAYNE O. MD; PANJABI, MANOHAR M. Dr Tech Clinical Instability in the Lower Cervical Spine A Review of Past and Current Concepts, Spine: March 1976 – Volume 1 – Issue 1 – p 15-27

3.      Kenneth A. Olson and Dustin J. Diagnosis and Treatment of Cervical Spine Clinical Instability. JOSPT, April 1, 2001Vol 31:4, pp194-206 https://www.jospt.org/doi/10.2519/jospt.2001.31.4.194

4.      Kaito T, Ohshima S, Fujiwara H, Makino T, Yonenobu K. Predictors for the progression of cervical lesion in rheumatoid arthritis under the treatment of biological agents. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2013 Dec 15. 38 (26):2258-63. [Medline].

5.      Scholz C, Klingler JH, Scheiwe C, Naseri Y, Masalha W, Hubbe U. Atlantoaxial Instability in Patients Older Than 70 Years: What Is the Outcome When Further Conservative Treatment Is Not an Option? J Neurol Surg A Cent Eur Neurosurg. 2018 Sep;79(5):372-379. [PubMed]

6.      Babić-Naglić D, Potocki K, Curković B. Clinical and radiological features of atlantoaxial joints in rheumatoid arthritis. Z Rheumatol. 1999 Aug. 58 (4):196-200. [Medline].

7.      Zikou AK, Alamanos Y, Argyropoulou MI, Tsifetaki N, Tsampoulas C, Voulgari PV, et al. Radiological cervical spine involvement in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a cross sectional study. J Rheumatol. 2005 May. 32 (5):801-6. [Medline].

8.      Neva MH, Kaarela K, Kauppi M. Prevalence of radiological changes in the cervical spine–a cross sectional study after 20 years from presentation of rheumatoid arthritis. J Rheumatol. 2000 Jan. 27 (1):90-3. [Medline].

9.      Wasserman BR, Moskovich R, Razi AE. Rheumatoid arthritis of the cervical spine–clinical considerations. Bull NYU Hosp Jt Dis. 2011. 69 (2):136-48. [Medline].

10.  Vogel TW, Menezes AH. Natural history and management of cervical spine disease in chondrodysplasia punctata and coumarin embryopathy. Childs Nerv Syst. 2012 Apr. 28 (4):609-19. [Medline].

11.  Yuksel M, Heiserman JE, Sonntag VK. Magnetic resonance imaging of the craniocervical junction at 3-T: observation of the accessory atlantoaxial ligaments. Neurosurgery. 2006 Oct. 59 (4):888-92; discussion 892-3. [Medline].

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