Muscle Manual 5th Edition

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Muscle Manual Anatomy Cards

Master the structures and systems of the human body with Muscle Manual Anatomy Cards — the ultimate FULL COLOUR Anatomy and Exercise Cards. Designed for health care practitioners and future medical professionals, these quick reference cards come in handy in practice, the classroom, and on-the-go.

“Repetition with practical application, the best way to get an A!” - Dr. Nik

  • No Anatomy flash cards offer more than Prohealthsys Anatomy Cards
  • 650 Muscles, 472 Joints
  • 214 Bones, 185 Ligaments
  • 88 Nerves, 17 Organs
  • ROM, Exercise Rehab
  • Videos & Quizzes
  • Kinesiology


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The Muscle Manual is a definitive resources for students and practitioners, used as a required text for many colleges and universities. The Muscle Manual offers 608 full colour pages of evidence based, easily accessible information on topics of: Muscle Testing, Functional Anatomy, Palpation, Posture, Gait, Strengthen Exercises, Kinesiology, ROM, Goniometry, Anatomical Variation, Case studies, Critical Thinking and much more. Use the Muscle Manual in the classroom and clinic for patient education.

The Muscle Manual is a valuable study guide for students, therapists and doctors preparing for board exams, oral practical exams, objective structured clinical examinations (OSCE) and many other licensure examinations. This text bridges the gap between classroom education and practical clinical application.


The Muscle Manual is a definitive resources for students and practitioners, used as a required text for many colleges and universities. The Muscle Manual offers 608 full colour pages of evidence based, easily accessible information on topics of: Muscle Testing, Functional Anatomy, Palpation, Posture, Gait, Strengthen Exercises, Kinesiology, ROM, Goniometry, Anatomical Variation, Case studies, Critical Thinking and much more. Use the Muscle Manual in the classroom and clinic for patient education.

The Muscle Manual is a valuable study guide for students, therapists and doctors preparing for board exams, oral practical exams, objective structured clinical examinations (OSCE) and many other licensure examinations. This text bridges the gap between classroom education and practical clinical application.

With 20+ contributing authors – you are learning from the best with centuries of combined real-world experiences and evidence-based content:

  • 608 Full-Colour Pages and over 2,500+ Images and References
  • Multi-disciplinary Peer Reviewed (AT, DC, DO, LMT, MD, ND, PhD, PT, RMT)
  • Clear Presentation and Format Saves Time – Perfect for Class, Boards and Practice


Watch a walkthrough video of the Muscle Manual with author, Dr. Nikita A. Vizniak.

Print Version ISBN: 978-1-989392-19-5
Pages: 608
Edition: 5th
Size: 7×10″

Contributing Authors:
Leanne Fairweather RMT BSc MPT
Nick Murray BHK CAT(C)
Godwin Eni DPT PhD
Mel Schurr BA RMT
Syed Hussain PhD RMT
Tom Davidson DC PhD
Tara Hedrich RMT LMT


Abdominal Muscles 159
Abduction/Adduction 24
Abductor Pollicis Longus 270
Actions of Body 22
Activity in the Day 502
Activity Pyramid 503
Adductor Longus & Brevis 334
Adductor Magnus 338
Adipose (fat) 42
Anatomical Orientation 3
Anatomical Variation 231, 359
Anconeus 265
Ankle ROM 357
Anterior Forearm Muscles 232
Anterior Thigh Muscles 293
Arm Muscles 193
Auricularis 55
Autonomic Nervous System 396
Axial vs. Appendicular 9

Barbell 532
Biceps Brachii 220
Biceps Femoris 344
Block or Ball 531
Blood Pressure 486
Bo Staff 528
Body Ball 530
Body Composition 439
Body Mass Index 442
Body Regions 4
Body Weight 526
Bone Structure 12
Bones Hand & Foot 8
Bony Landmarks Intro 11
Brachial Plexus (C5-T1) 404
Brachialis 222
Brachioradialis 256
Brügger’s Exercise 554
Buccinator 64

Cartilage Injury 574
Cartilage 19
Central Hand Muscles 282
Cervical Bones 80
Cervical Ligaments 81, 116
Cervical Muscles Intro 83
Chief Concern History 431
Coracobrachialis 218
Cranial Foramen & Nerves 77
Cranial Nerves 418

Deep Tendon Reflexes 484
Deltoid 202
Depressor Anguli Oris 66
Depressor Labii Inferioris 66
Dermatome Level 398
Diagnostic Imaging 492
Diaphragm 150
Dorsal Foot Muscles 386
Dumbbell 533

Elbow Kinematics 200
End Feel 472
End-feels 21
Erector Spinae Group 140
Erector Spinae Group 178
Erector Spinae Subdivisions 142
Evidence for Massage 558
Exercise Nutrition 516
Exercise Prescription Pad 550
Exercise Prescription 525
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brev 260
Extensor Carpi Radialis Long 258
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris 266
Extensor Digiti Minimi 264
Extensor Digitorum Longus 362
Extensor Digitorum 262
Extensor Hallucis Longus 364
Extensor Indicis 276
Extensor Pollicis Brevis 272
Extensor Pollicis Longus 274
External Abdominal Oblique 170
Eye Muscles 76

Fascia 40
Femoral & Obturator Nerves 414
Fibularis (Peroneus) Brevis 370
Fibularis (Peroneus) Longus 368
Fibularis (Peroneus) Tertius 366
Flexibility Assessment 466
Flexion/Extension 23
Flexor Carpi Radialis 242
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris 246
Flexor Digitorum Longus 382
Flexor Digitorum Profundus 250
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis 248
Flexor Hallucis Longus 384
Flexor Pollicis Longus 252
Foam Roller 529
Foot Plantar – Layer 1 388
Foot Plantar – Layer 2 389
Foot Plantar – Layer 3 390
Foot Plantar – Layer 4 391
Fracture 576

Gait Cycle 450
Gait Types 449
Gastrocnemius 372
Gluteus Maximus 302
Gluteus Medius 304
Gluteus Minimus 306
Gracilis 336
Grades of Mobilization 471
Growth & Performance 518

Healing Factors 568
Health and Well-being 498
Hip & Knee Variations 300
Hip AROM 295
Hip Joint 288
History 430
Hot and Cold 564
Hypothenar Muscles 280

Iliacus 318
Imaging Decisions 493
Index 590
Infraspinatus 206
Intercostal Muscles 148
Internal Abdominal Oblique 172
Intervertebral Disc 164
Intrinsic Foot Muscles 387

Joint Mechanoreceptors 397
Joints (articulations) 14
Joints of Skull 48

Kettle Bells 535
Kinesio Tape 541
Knee AROM 297
Knee Joint 289

Larynx 114
Lateral Pterygoid 70
Latissimus Dorsi 134
Leg Muscles 352
Levator Anguli Oris 61
Levator Labii Sup Ala Nasi 60
Levator Palpebrae Superioris 57
Levator Scapulae 92
Ligament Injury Grading 572
Longus Capitis 106
Longus Cervicis (colli) 107
Lower Body Detailed 411
Lower Extremity Tests 413
Lumbar & SI Ligaments 156
Lumbar Injury & Imaging 158
Lumbar Kinematics 160
Lumbar ROM 161
Lumbopelvic Motion 165
Lumbosacral Plexus 412
Lymphatics 419

Massage Mechanisms 560
Masseter 69
Medial Pterygoid 71
Medial Thigh Muscles 292
Median Nerve (C6-T1) 408
Mentalis 67
Motor Nerves Lower Body 410
Motor Nerves Upper Body 402
MSK Best Practices 499
Multifidi 180
Muscle Activation 32
Muscle Injury Grading/Healing 570
Muscle Intro 290
Muscle Strength 31
Muscle Testing 36
Musculocut. & Axillary N. 407
Myofascial trigger points 44

Nasalis & Depressor Septi Nasi 58
Nerve Injury 580
Nerves 38
Neuroanatomy 394

Obturator Externus 313
Obturator Internus 312
oHIP-MNRS Guideline 428
Omohyoid 104
Orbicularis Oculi 56
Orbicularis Oris 65
Origins & Insertions 287
Outcome Markers 432

Pain Assessment 434
Palmaris Longus 244
Palpation 458
Parasympathetic 396
Partner Exercises 1 536
Partner Exercises 2 537
Pectineus 332
Pectoralis Major 216
Pectoralis Minor 130
Pelvic Floor Muscles 182
Peripheral Nerve 398
Pharynx & Soft Palate 72
Piriformis 308
Plantaris 376
Platysma 54
Popliteus 378
Posterior Forearm Muscles 234
Posterior Thigh Muscles 291
Posture 444
Procerus & Corrugator Supercilii 59
Pronator Quadratus 254
Pronator Teres 240
Protecting Your Back 514
Psoas Major & Minor 316
Psychology of Injury 438
Pulses 488
Quadratus Femoris 314
Quadratus Lumborum 176

Radial Nerve (C5-C8) 406
Range of Motion (ROM) 470
Rectus Abdominis 168
Rectus Cap. Anterior & Lat. 105
Rectus Femoris 324
Red & White Muscle 506
References 586
Referred Pain 436
Resistance Band 527
Rhomboid Major & Minor 136
Risorius 61
ROM & Joint Levers 20
Rotation 25
Rotatores 181

Sartorius 322
Scalene Anterior 111
Scalene Middle 112
Scalene Post 113
Scalenus Minimus 110
Scapulohumeral Rhythm 195
Scar Tissue 582
Sciatic Nerve (L5-S3) 416
Screw Home Mechanism 301
Selected Imaging Types 494
Self Care 562
Semimembranosus 342
Semitendinosus 340
Serratus Anterior 214
Serratus Posterior Superior 138
Sets, Reps and Type 520
Shoulder & Arm Bones 188
Shoulder & Arm Ligaments 189
Shoulder AROM 195
Shoulder Goniometry 197
Shoulder Kinematics 194
Skeleton 6
Skin 43, 456
Skull Bones 46
Sleep 512
Soleus 374
Special Actions 26
Spinal Palpation 123
Spinal Segments 464
Splenius Capitis & Cervicis 94
Squat & Rise 184
Standing Alignment 167
Sternocleidomastoid (SCM) 98
Sternohyoid 103
Stretching Strap 548
Stretching 546
Subclavius 129
Suboccipital Muscles 96
Subscapularis 210
Superior & Inferior Gemellus 310
Supinator 268
Suprahyoid Muscles 100
Supraspinatus 204
Suspension Trainer 534
Sympathetic Nerves 396

Temporalis 68
Temporomandibular Joint 49
Temporoparietalis 67
Tendon & Muscle Terms 30
Tensor Fasciae Latae 320
Teres Major 212
Teres Minor 208
Thenar Muscles 278
Thoracic Ligaments 120
Thyrohyoid & Sternothyroid 102
Tibialis Anterior 360
Tibialis Posterior 380
Tissue Healing Time 500
Tissue Loads 34
Tissue Specific Differential 569
Tongue 74
Transversospinalis Group 144
Transversus Abdominis 174
Trapezius (middle & lower) 132
Trapezius (upper fibers) 90
Triceps Brachii 224
Trigger Point Theories 460
Trigger Points Lower Body 463
Trigger Points Upper Body 462
Trunk Kinematics 124
Trunk Muscle Intro 122
Tympanic Cavity 75

Ulnar Nerve (C7-T1) 409
Upper Extremity Tests 405

Vastus Intermedius 328
Vastus Lateralis 326
Vastus Medialis 330
Viscera (organs) 584
Viscera Pain Referral 585

Waist Circumference 441
Weekly Progress Tracker 551
Workstation Ergonomics 555
Wrist AROM 237

Yoga 542

Zygomaticus Major 63
Zygomaticus Minor 62

Additional information

Weight 1.3 kg