Spinal Manual

SKU Spinal-2Vol-2 Category

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Evidence Informed Spinal Manual is the best integrated musculoskeletal guide available for students, clinicians, and instructors.

The Spinal Manual textbook includes topics on: regional anatomy; orthopedic and special tests; history; signs and symptoms; physical exam; muscle testing; posture and gait; diagnostic imaging; multidisciplinary management; patient follow-up; prognosis; rehab exercises; clinical exam forms and patient handouts.


Evidence Informed Spinal Manual is the best integrated musculoskeletal guide available for students, clinicians, and instructors. The Spinal Manual textbook includes topics on: regional anatomy; orthopedic and special tests; history; signs and symptoms; physical exam; muscle testing; posture and gait; diagnostic imaging; multidisciplinary management; patient follow-up; prognosis; rehab exercises; clinical exam forms and patient handouts.

Use the Spinal Manual in the classroom and in the practice for patient education.

  • Top 200+ conditions seen in practice, rapid review tables
  • Over 1500 Illustrations and Images
  • Free online Clinic forms and Patient Handouts
  • Free online Video, Image and Testing Resources
  • Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed (DC, DO, MD, ND, PhD, PT, RMT, RN)
  • Clear Presentation and Logical Format Saves Time
  • Perfect for Board Exam, OSCEs and Oral Practical Review
  • A Must-Have for Classroom and General Practice


Print Version ISBN: 978-0-9936191-8-2
Edition: 2nd
Pages: 460
Size: 6×9″
Weight: 1.36lbs


Students, Instructors and Practitioners ❤ Spinal Manual Textbook

“This book is the most useful of any of Travell’s Trigger Point Manual, Kendell’s Muscle Testing, Musculino’s Muscle System, Biel’s Trail Guide to the Body, and any Anatomy and Physiology text, all wrapped up in one parcel.” 
— Neil Reid, Myotherapist & Acupuncturist, Australia

“This book is the gold standard for practical muscle anatomy; with current evidence based information & phenomenal illustrations it has everything I need.”
— Dr. Viet Nguyen

“This book easily makes the transition from the classroom to daily clinical practice – a book I use every day and worth its weight in gold.”
— Prohealthsys Customer

Additional information

Weight 0.6 kg
Dimensions 23 × 16 × 2.5 cm


Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm…….272

Abdominal Exam……………………60

Abdominal Muscles………………..302

Advanced Wobble Board…………363

Ankylosisng Spondylitis…………..274

Blood Pressure Exam…………….50

Body Mass……………………….48

Brachial Plexus……………………..77

Bridge Track…………………………351

Brügger’s Exercise…………………344

C1-C2 Instability…………………..131

Cardiac Auscultation………………57

Cauda Equina Syndrome………..232

Cervical DJD…………………………132

Cervical Facet Syndrome………..134

Cervical Meniscoid…………………136

Cervical Radiculopathy…………..138

Cervical Sprain/Strain…………….128


Chief Concern History…………..9

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome……..276

Clinical Encounter Flow…………..3

Clinical Impression……………….20



Core Leg Curl Track……………….353


Cranial Nerve Exam……………….88

C-spine & Head……………………..105

DDx Overview……………………….2

Dead Bug Track…………………….346

Deep Tendon Reflexes……………74

Derma, Myo, Sclera – tomes……72

Desk Ergonomics & Motion……..364


Differential Diagnosis……………..17


Ear & Otoscopic Exam……………54

Erector Spinae Group…………….308

Exercise Prescription……………331

Eye & Ophthalmic Exam…………52

Facet Syndrome…………………….224

Family & Personal History……….11

Femoral & Obturator Nerves……84


Free Weights and Rehab………..332

Gait Cycle…………………………….34

General PE Form…………………..31

General Physical Exam Flow…..30

General Systemic DDx……………271

Gluteus Maximus…………………..312


Grading Palpation…………………37

Growth & Performance…330

Headache, Cervicogenic…………144

Hip Strengthening………………….360

Hip Stretching………………………..359

History & Records………………..1

History Considerations……………8


Indications & Considerations……6

Infection & Hygiene………………..4

Informed Consent…………..21

Knee Stretch & Strengthen……..361

Leg Length Inequality …………….260

Levator Scapulae…………………..292

L-spine ………………………………..195

Lumbar Disc Herniation…………..228

Lumbar DJD………………………….234

Lumbar Instability…………………..226

Lumbar Sprain Strain……………222

Lumbosacral Plexus……………….83

Lung & Thorax Exam………………58

Median Nerve………………………..80

Migraine Headache………………..146

Muscle Contraction………………334

Muscle Fibers………………………..339

Muscle Testing …………………….289

Muscle Testing & RROM…………45

Musculocut. & Axillary N………….79

Myocardial Infarction………………190

Myotomes Lower Extremity……..82

Myotomes Upper Extremity……..76

Narrative Report…………………….24

Neck Flexion Pattern…………….47

Neuroanatomy Review……………66

Neurologic Exam……………………63

Neutral Pelvis Track……………….350

Nutrition ……………………………….365

Nutrition & Recovery…….333



Outcome Markers…………..14

Pain Assessment……………15

Pain Gates……………………………90

Palpation of Spinal Segments….39

Past Health History………………..10

Pathologic Headache……………..148

Pectoralis Major…………………….300

Physical Exam ………………………27

Physical Medicine Tips…5

PhysMed Tx Parameters…………18

Piriformis Syndrome……………….264

Piriformis Muscle……………………316

Postural Syndrome……………….186

Posture Assessment………………32


Prone Track…………………………..347

Protecting Your Back ……345

Psoas Major & Minor………………318

Quadratus Lumborum…………….306

Quadriped Track…………………….349

Radial Nerve…………………………78

Range of Motion (ROM)………….40

Rectus Femoris……………………..324

Red & White Muscle Fibers……..336

Rehab protocols …………….327

Review of Systems…………………12

Rheumatoid Arthritis……………….286

Rhomboid Major & Minor………..304

Rib Subluxation………………188

Rocker & Wobble Board………….362

ROM & End Feel……………………42


Sciatic Nerve…………………………86


Selected Lung DDx………………..59

Sensory Lesion Patterns…………70

Sets & Reps………………………….329

Shoulder Strengthening………….356

Shoulder Stretches…………………354

SI & Pelvis ……………………………241

SI Joint Syndrome………………….262

Side-Lying Track…………………….348

SOAP Note……………………………16

Sternocleidomastoid (SCM)…….296


Suboccipital Muscles……………294

Tension Headache…………………150

Tensor Fasciae Latae……………..322

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome…….176

TMJ Syndrome………………………154

Torso Rotation Track………………352

Trapezius (upper fibers)………….290

Treatment Plan………………………22

Trunk Flexion Pattern……………46

T-spine & Ribs……………………….163

Ulnar Nerve…………………………..81

Upper & Lower Cross Syn….338

Vertebral Epiphysitis……………….182

Vertebrobasilar Ischemia………156

Wrist & Hand Stretch………………358

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